Aug 29, 2008


lately, i always turn on some youtube series like pokoyo, shaun the sheep, even some barney, thomas and friends, noddy etc for ian while feeding him fruits. but mostly pokoyo and shaun the sheep. the rest in youtube, the version is not what we seen from disney channel. i started this when he kind of make a fuss or more to refuse to eat some of the fruits we introduce to him. like kiwi and prune (preserved). also apple and pear where he takes time to chew them.

last friday, i happen to turn on pokoyo titled swept away. is about pokoyo suppose to do some cleaning up of his toys before elly coming over to his place. however instead of using the broom to clean up, he play with the broom. pretend that the broom is a horse, ice hockey, guitar etc. ian was laughing out loud when he watch it. but then he sometimes laugh at things for no reason. hmm.. at least not something that we find it funny.

yesterday, i turn on the same pokoyo story again. again, ian laugh out loud like what happen on friday. i was there wondering whether he really likes it? then i let him watch the rest - a story of shaun the sheep and another pokoyo story. then back to the same pokoyo, swept away story. he laugh out loud again. since is not finish i continue to let it play. put ian at his cage, turn my laptop towards him and i went upstairs to prepare to bath him. i can hear him laughing out loud while i am upstairs. hmm.. he really likes it!

at night i told papa about it. papa turn it on from youtube to let ian watch to see his reaction. again he laugh out loud. papa download it. this morning ian woke up before 7am. ian was jumping up and down. papa turn on the downloaded version and let ian watch. papa told me that ian laugh out loud again. haha.. he really likes it!

this is the link at youtube for the pokoyo story, swept away...

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