Sep 19, 2008

food poisoning...

not ian is me. wednesday was selangor holiday. it was seh ku's birthday. we went out for lunch at mc donald, taipan. we bought cake from secret recipe for seh ku on our way home. papa ordered domino pizza for dinner for us and we went to collect it.

mama did lots of cleaning up. never work. the cleaning lady took off, so i do simple sweeping and mopping. mama got stomachache at night. looks fine after going to toilet and get to bed. stomach not feeling well when i woke up the next morning. i thought i was hungry, so make some cereal to drink. vomited.

getting worst. even after i ate bread, i vomited. tried to eat plain porridge. vomited also. hardly eat anything. but each time after i vomit, i feel ok. i quickly eat something after that otherwise i will be very weak without food.

put ian whole day in his playpen. let him watch tv. even let him sleep on his own. give him tutu and bolster. feed him while lying down. got to lye down each time after i feed him. thanks to ian for being a good boy so that i manage to go through this bad day.

papa came home early to bring me see doctor. took medicine and rest early. papa bath ian. too bad papa don't know how to cook ian's porridge. no choice i have to do it. papa help to do whatever he can.

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