Oct 21, 2008

knock and knock and...

i really don't felt like posting about ian's knock. there have been a lot of it already. but he really knock so often lately. so you know why i did not take any photo of him lately. don't want to keep photo of him having bruises and swell every where.

papa suggest that we let ian walk more. more freedom. hoping that he will not get too excited each time we let him walk and start to run and jump around. so i started to let him walk around the living area and dining area since last monday. is only a week. he got a knock near his eyes. it swell badly. then on friday he fell to the floor flat with his head knock to the floor. he got a very bad bruise. it swell with liquid feel and is big. big surround. when his eye's swell is getting better, he get another one. we put lot and lot of ice.

by monday, the liquid feel getting less. there he goes again, fell flat to the floor and knock on the same spot again. the swell is not as bad compare to the friday one. but then on the same spot! a lot a lot of ice again. we got no choice but to reduce his walking until he is fully recovered.

all my time spend on putting ice on his swell. when will this boy get less knock? waiting for the day...

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