Dec 16, 2008

injured finger...

another sad post. ian injured his right, middle finger. ian likes to shut the main door every time we let him walk around. today he somehow place his finger at the door hinge when he shut the door.

seh ku was off. we really being frighten off looking at his finger turning "black". quickly drive him to see doctor. called papa. papa said dr deng is closed. tried the clinic near the seven-eleven. is closed as well. while driving to taipan notice that the clinic at subang business center is open. lucky there was a parking. never know that the clinic is closing soon, 4 pm. dr say is minor injury. no fracture. but sad to hear that his nail will eventually fall off. dr said should be about 2 weeks.

ian cried so badly when he injured his finger. so much tears fall off. his tutu did manage to help to calm him down. but he still sobbing. but soon he start to forget and start playing. he can even disturb his injured finger with his left hand.

we let him walk around in the evening as usual and notice his finger start to bleed as we notice the blood stain on his clothes. stop him from walking. bring him up stairs and stop him from playing using his right hand. mama quickly finish up cooking and work so that can let ian sleep earlier later.

papa disagree as he believe ian will not be able to sleep through if he sleep so early. fair enough it really happen and not once but twice. poor papa. mama just felt heartache and wanted ian to rest so that his finger can have a rest and hope that it will recover soon.

really wish to exchange the pain with ian. just can only pray hard for him to recover as soon as possible.

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