May 15, 2009

"tutu" - report card...

haha.. what a title right? ian is so addicted to his tutu. we were wondering how and when can we get rid of that from him. last friday, mama suddenly had a thought...

we read that we can use something that a kid wanted very much to make him talk. get him to say it only we give him. so, "tutu"! we have tried many times but he will end up crying with big drops of tears. his secret weapon...

ian will get his tutu everyday while he watch tv (seating on his car seat) after his lunch. that's the time mama will get ready her lunch, eat, also prepare ian's fruits for tea if needed and do all the washing. only about an hour before ian nap. so, just have to keep him quiet. there he goes, with all the reasons to get his tutu. actually it all started off when he hurt his finger. in order to avoid him suck his finger, so mama has to give him his tutu. it has become a habit. if you do not give him, he can really mess you up. hai...

then before put him to nap, mama will feed him some water. that's the time that his tutu will be off from him. so, mama thought of this. if you show him his tutu and ask him to say, he cry. how about don't show him? actually is more to either one will do. if he say it, that will be great. but if he don't we can take this opportunity to get rid of his tutu. so, there it goes...

he wanted to get up to look for it but mama ask him what he wants. since he never say anything, so mama went, "nothing? then sleep."... mama lie down beside him. holding him. not catch tight. just put her arm on him. he grab all his pillows and bolster. start biting each of them but soon, he fall asleep. uhh... it works! yay!

papa was so ambitious. wanted to try out at night. mama told papa, let's start with the nap 1st. later only try at night. ian sometimes still wakes up in the middle of the night looking for his tutu. it disturb us for sure. so, better not so ambitious.

it have been a week for ian free from his tutu for his nap. ohh.. he had it on sunday. too bad that we give in since we really need him to nap to prepare for his class. he win... is actually not an easy mission. you really have to be firm, blind and deaf yourself. he tend to make some pitiful noise before he get to sleep. missing his buddy. he even woke up crying, which mama guess he must be missing his buddy.

he usually woke up around 3 and mama will feed him around 3.30. so he will actually have his tutu until he finish his milk. mama actually use his tutu to distract him while he drinks his milk. ian have never like milk. so having his buddy by his side (playing with it), makes his drinking process smoother. so, since he do not have his buddy for nap. therefore he also don't have it during his milk time. but mama will let him play something else instead. whatever actually... 1 day, while he play something else during his feed. he suddenly burst into tears. must be feeling the emptiness in him without his buddy. so heartache seeing him like this. but again, we must be tough. otherwise, it will never success...

so, today mark ian's record for a week. let's hope for a smooth process...

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