Jun 19, 2009

3rd day in school - 1st uniform...

we had officially enrolled ian yesterday. mama had washed and dried his uniform. great! uniform with lots of buttons. mama double sew all the buttons on it. then found that 1 of the button is missing from 1 of his uniform. somehow, although both his uniform and sports wear are the same size, 's' but the sports wear t-shirt is much smaller. we can see his tummy sticking out when we try it on him.

mama manage to get both change. uniform to another set with all the buttons and sports wear to 'm' size. hehe.. sorry that mama actually lied about mama haven't wash them. but the 'm' size is so much bigger compare to the 's' but is almost the same as the uniform. mama quickly get them washed and hope that they will dry in time by the time the cleaning lady is here. while hanging, mama notice that there is a small hole at his sports wear pants. haiya.. not again! but mama eventually decided to just sew them herself. next time if ian really going to continue to study there and need to get new size of the uniform, mama will make sure to check them thoroughly...

ok. finish with the uniform story. ya. this is indeed ian's 1st uniform. the tumble tots' is only a t-shirt. take a look.

cool right? although is red but as mama's said before ian will look good in any colour. so, is she right? hehe..

mama had a short chat with the teacher. inform her about ian's is g6pd deficiency. to mama's surprise the teacher actually never heard of it before. the office lady also the same when mama told her about it yesterday when she enroll ian. just to get them to watch out of stuff that ian has to avoid. also told the teacher to keep an eye on ian as he don't speak we might not know what happen to him. like what papa saw yesterday when ian playing the slide. he actually tried to do a stunt by sliding down on his tummy with head down 1st. hai.. so dangerous and no teacher saw that actually. just hope they can keep an eye on him. also his habbit in biting his buttons.

mama went early to try to have a look at how's ian doing. saw that some kids were doing some colouring. of course ian was playing. but he actually walk over to peep what they are doing. when 1 of the kid is not there, he went and flip his drawing. mama was there worrying that he might tear the drawing. lucky nothing happen. hehe..

at 1 point mama lost her sight on ian. then suddenly saw him slowly appearing from under the table. ohh.. no.. from his face expression, mama know that he poo.. mama is so right. when the teacher pass ian to her and when mama help to wear shoes for him, mama check and bingo! but nevermind la. we are going back already. ian somehow walk very slowly home. hehe.. may be he is afraid that the poo will overflow.

so, mama bath him 1st this time after cleaning him up. then only feed him porridge. since ian go to school he gets to nap around 1 (earlier) and only wakes up (mama have to wake him up) after 3. he must be really tired. wake up early, use up all the energy in school, so this is what we get. but we just can't let him nap till too late and too long otherwise he won't be able to get to sleep early at night. so, everything indeed a rush for mama. only about an hour to get everything done. but so far still surviving...

a bit more story of the uniform. uhh.. so much sewing to do. mama have been long enough not doing such job. but still not too bad looking at the end result. mama have a lot to sew for his a bit over sized sports wear. t-shirt and pants. both also have to sew. although is very late already. even papa went to bed already, mama decided to finish up sewing the buttons on the uniform as well since ian needs to wear them on friday so that she won't have to sew on thursday night...

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