Jun 5, 2009

where is the fork?

on sunday, on our way back to usj from melaka, papa ta pau some fish balls for ian. mama feed ian using his fork. ya. the pair of fork and spoon that mama use in office all the while have been officially given to ian. they are now ian's. of course ian can't finish them so mama left the fork in the pack.

later in the evening while on the way to ian's class, actually mama have been hungry but too much work to do before we go out. she did not manage to finish up everything even though she miss her nap and also did not stop to eat anything. bet because we really left melaka bit too late this round. so, she took the fish ball along because we don't intend to give it to ian because we bought it since this morning. but while mama eating ian actually wanted so mama gave him some.

don't know why mama just got a feeling and she went announce it "don't forget the fork is in the pack. don't accidentally threw the fork away."... announce to seh ku and papa in the car. mama hang the pack at the car door. some how mama and seh ku switch seat after ian's class. after dinner we still seat at the switched seat. so, when we reach home the pack is hanging at seh ku's side. papa told seh ku to throw it but seh ku bring it in and put on the dinning table. (mama only knew these after the incident. she did not notice the pack at all once she step home)

papa clean up the prawns that poh poh gave us. after papa was done, mama get to use the basin to finish up whatever washing up that she left to be done. she actually spotted something orangie red in the plastic bag that papa throw the prawn's shell. but it never come across her mind about the fish ball pack with the fork. (she recalled this again after the incident) everything done. time to go upstairs. even the rubbish was thrown. papa commented that the rubbish collector did not collect the rubbish on friday. those rubbish that we threw before we went back to melaka were still there. then, that's calls off our sunday...

on monday, mama spotted that the rubbish collector did came to collect the rubbish. they came in the morning. usually monday mama will feed ian either pear or apple. but since mama need to wash clothes, which usually mama will give ian grapes as he eat them faster. the moment she look for the fork to let ian feed himself, she got a shock! she recalled the fork in the fish ball pack. papa said he did not throw it could be seh ku. later when seh ku is back, she confirm that she only left it on the dinning table. so, papa is the "one"! but he couldn't recall at all.

before everything were confirm, mama even went to check the rubbish bin hoping that they might left some. they do sometimes. but no. is totally empty. also she was hoping that the pack was still in seh ku's car. she definitely felt sad. why? is just a fork. too bad that she is those sentimental type. she put heart to every single thing even for non-living things. yet she have been using this fork for almost 10 years. she started using it when she started working. she have them kept in the pack of stuff that she took back from office while she was on maternity and only recall of them when she wanted to let ian try to feed himself with fork. that's when the pair for fork and spoon officially goes to ian. and since how long? and now the fork is gone. she felt terrible when she feed ian porridge in the evening using the spoon. feeling sad that its partner, fork had gone.

papa felt bad and he knows well that mama felt sad. he tried to get a pair of fork and spoon from isetan, klcc after work, trying get a replacement. too bad that the spoon's shape doesn't seems to be appropriate to feed ian. the fork is a bit smaller but still not that bad. good point will be we can use a smaller container to fit the fork. but sad that they are not a pair. even the spoon that papa bought is not a pair with the fork. nevermind, mama shall try her luck to check with poh poh next trip we go back to melaka. it was from poh poh. she gave them to mama. hopefully she still have spare.

mama had this posted for remembrance. silly but too bad she is those sentimental type...

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