Aug 11, 2008


yupe. the day of the beijing olympic opening ceremony. i happen to come to know as well from some news that it is also the 8th day of lunar calender 7th month. but nope. this is not the topic. hehe..

is friday. we plan to go back to melaka. papa plan to come home early like before and we will travel back in the evening. everything went smooth compare to the previous time. guess due to better planning and most important ian have been cooperative. like before we plan to control ian's sleeping time to give allowance for him to nap on the way back in the car. but too bad that it is cooling and he happen to woke up early in the morning and he wanted to sleep. even before 10am. so, no choice i need to give him an hour nap and wake him up around 11am. i tried to drag his afternoon nap but he initiate to sleep. he walk towards his cage. even tried to climb in. again, i need to give him another hour nap. wake him up around 3.30pm.

too bad that papa got issue to resolve in the office and we did not go back in the evening. only go back early next morning. i am so lazy to take things out and pack again. so i requested to go back early so that i only need to take out things needed for that night.

summary on what happen back in melaka:

  • morning - went to tesco for a quick shop. intend to get ian's baby canned food but those in promotion list are not those we wanted. so, we did not buy any. we bought a tesco brand shape hammering toy for ian.

  • evening - went to temple to pray as we are going to travel to singapore and penang.

  • night - went to guardian, melaka raya to grab something. guess this is the highlight of this trip. guess what? the shop is small. the rows of racks are so close to each other. i have been very careful with ian. at a time while talking to seh ku, ian grab a tin of milk powder from the rack and it fell right into a pail of soap water. the water splash as high up to my face. i shouted of course due to shock. really create a scene. papa say that it was lucky that it went into the pail otherwise it will be dented and we will have to buy it. i don't know whether should we consider it as lucky or not.

    as usual, we came back to usj on sunday morning. summary of what happen back in usj:

  • went for a quick shop for ian's vegetable in carrefour.

  • papa went to durian eat-all-you-can for charity in subang parade. while i bring ian around. actually i wanted to let ian walk but no one to watch the stroller. i can always leave the stroller in the car right from the beginning but i have no strength to carry him all the way. but i can't stop to rest as ian will make noise sitting idle in the stroller. stop at parkson children department and rest at 1 of the chair with ian making a bit of noise but still bearable (ian sitting at the chair with me). hmm.. this signal something to me on what will happen when we are in singapore.

  • too tired and i did not do much at home. did a simple cleaning up.

    that's it...
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