Aug 7, 2008

play with me...

the play with me suit is also our favourite. ian looks cute on it. we used to let ian wear a suit when we go out. but lately, we let ian wear long and thicker pants matched with t-shirts when we go out. ian likes to walk around so, wearing long and thicker pants will help to protect at least his legs especially the knees if he fall down. therefore, we have put this favourite suit a side for a while since ian wear it.

as and when there is a chance i will let ian wear it at home. like during rainy and cooling day. the weather is really hot and i let ian wear either sleeveless or clothes with holes. airy...

it have been raining all day long on thursday so i thought of the play with me suit. found that ian will soon outgrow the suit. it is a bit fitting already. can't help it but took lots of photo of ian wearing it. need to keep the shots of ian on such cute outfit.

ta da...

(look closely... he is actually putting in 2 teater into his mouth... haha...)

note: actually there are few more suits that are also our favourite. again, because ian looks cute on them but they are not so suitable to be wear at home. collar shirt. this is one of them...

(a photo taken when ian is going to be 7 months in few days... papa took this while waiting for mama having her dental checkup at the dental clinic...)

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