Oct 10, 2008

good vs bad day...

wednesday... we have decided not to force ian to take a nap in the morning. nowadays, ian only nap in the afternoon. the cleaning lady come on every wednesday around 2.30 to 3pm. ian usually nap from 1.30 to 4pm. he might be waken up when they are here. ian will be in deep sleep for his first 30 minutes nap. so, if he nap just before 2.30pm it will be save. therefore we have been splitting his nap into 2 for the day where the lady will come.

yesterday (tuesday), ian nap at 1.30pm and woke up at 3pm. i fail to put him back to sleep. somehow he manage to stay on and only get to bed at 10 something at night. it somehow gives us a green light to do so. if he really being waken up when the lady is here, he should be able to stay on. this will help to reduce my stress every time the lady come. i have to force ian to nap in the morning and then in the afternoon. besides, timing must be correct.

ian actually open up his eyes when they lady is here 10 minutes to 3pm. to my surprise, he manage to get himself asleep again on his own. he eventually nap till 3.40pm, which is really good. besides that, ian is very cooperative through the day - poo, feed etc. so, i mark today as a good day.

i had finally uploaded photos taken during our singapore trip in end of august to facebook these few days. have been busy lately and i kind of force myself to make it done. found that some photos are taken using papa's handphone. felt like complete the task. so, while waiting for ian to sleep at night (papa putting ian to sleep), i try to choose photos that i want to upload from papa's handphone.

i use to transfer 1 photo at a time but lately have started to mark them while choosing and transfer a few at a time. while choosing (marking), when trying to press for the option to mark, papa's handphone somehow no response and i press again. to my surprise, it started to delete. the first option in the menu is delete. it recognize me as pressing twice. those photos that i had marked being deleted. weird that when we delete a single photo, it prompts for assurance. but when it comes to multiple deletion, it did not. there goes those selected photos. being selected, means is good. how sad... it ends my good day as a bad day.

thursday... googled for ways to recover those deleted photos. manage to recover 4 out of 5. out of the 5, actually i don't mind if the one i took with ian missing because it was taken in multiple shots and there are few that are good. somehow, i don't really have the luck. the missing one is ian's sole photo. 1 that i won't want to loose. keep trying to googled to recover it. eventually manage to recover from the corrupted (restored) jpeg file. but however the program need to be registered (licensed). unregistered copy will stamp watermark to the recovered photo. so, now i have a copy with watermark and a copy with smaller resolution found from the memory card (it save a copy of smaller resolution of all the photos as hidden files).

(this is the smaller resolution version. look! how can i won't mind loosing it! i can't help laughing at his face expression. is too good to be lost...)

however, after a day of trying to restore and recover, this is best i could do. for reference these are the cool programs i used to recover those photos.

File Undeleter (FAT) - manage to restore all 5 with 2 out of 5 jpeg being corrupted
UndeletePlus - manage to restore 1 of the 2 corrupted jpeg
Jpeg Recovery Pro - manage to recover the corrupted jpeg restored using File Undeleter (can't recover the corrupted jpeg restored using UndeletePlus)

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