Oct 7, 2008

weekend - raya...

is a long weekend back in melaka. mama realize that the belt we used to carry along to belt ian whenever he sits at baby chair out side is missing. totally can't recall when it actually lost.

ian bite mama near the neck while mama carry him at carrefour. he want to sleep so mama rest his head at mama's shoulder and he bite. naughty boy. make mama embarrass for shouted for pain. ian eventually fall asleep while we shop at carrefour.

poh poh gave ian a replacement knock knock rattle (same color, blue). kong kong bought ian a green stripe t-shirt. something different although kong kong say not nice as mama chose that. ian fell & knock his nose on the floor at poh poh's house. not too bad. looks ok after we put ice for him.

ah poh made chicken bone soup. besides cooking ian's porridge with that, we also directly feed ian the soup. ian, good boy finish the soup. ah poh taught mama to cook fish head soup to cook porridge for ian just like the chicken bone soup. mama tried that when we are back in kl. another killing porridge feed. lucky seh ku is around to help out. poor seh ku suppose to rest but eventually more tired than going to work.

we tried looking for replacement for the belt that we lost. actually it is a belt for the baby feeding chair that ta ku pass over. we check at toys "r" us in mid valley but they don't have. check at babyland in summit. they got some belt but is actually a wrist belt to hold the kid. will look around some more before we decide to buy which one.

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