Nov 17, 2008

another eventful weekend...

"eventful"? in other word, "challenging"... may be some, not all...

start of with a usual routine on saturday. shop at mid valley. had lunch at outback steakhouse, bangsar. celebration for our anniversary. lots of anniversary, all on november - wedding registration, wedding ceremony, anniversary of the day we started going out. cool right?

again ian was given a toy. hmm.. did not manage to catch good shot. but still ok. ian, the naughty boy as usual when he is eating out will surely give problem. he move when papa feed him and end up dirty his clothes. tried giving ian pork with steam egg. he did not finish them. don't think is the food, he is either full or sleepy. he finish it for dinner. i suspect sleepy as he slept on the way home.

(on the way to outback steakhouse)

photos taken @ outback steakhouse...

(mama like the top left. don't know what he is doing... the bottom right, he is watching tv...)

(a different toy from the previous visit. bottom left - naughty boy trying to pull the toy away. papa is holding it...)

(on the way home - getting ready to nap)

we let ian nap till late, around 5pm since we have a wedding dinner to attend. papa's cousin's wedding dinner at concord hotel, kl. this will be ian's 3rd wedding dinner. 1st was last year, also papa's cousin's wedding. can't recall which hotel in kl. still remember that ian was still small and he still need a nap at late evening. we are so relief that we manage to put him to sleep in his stroller before the dinner started - it will be too noisy for him to nap when it start. 2nd was early this year, mama's cousin's wedding at holiday inn, melaka. ian fall a sleep during the dinner - air-con is too cooling. feed ian porridge (skip milk), bath him, while we take turn to bath. all set... we left before 7pm (a bit out from our targeted time, 6.30pm).

a bit jam but we still reach there before many reaches. dinner started quite late, after 9pm. ian is so restless. just can't sit still. we have to feed him food to keep him settle - bread, corn flakes (he refuse to eat mango). papa even have to bring him around once and later my turn once. he scream like usual. lucky there are music. he finish his corn flakes. lucky he willing to take chicken and fish. also lucky that the chicken came in time. we only finish 5 dishes and we have to leave. it has passed 10pm. by time we reach home is already after 11pm.

papa bought mc donald's nugget. ian took 1. we dare not feed him more as he finish all his water. really amazing. he finish the whole bottle of water. guess could be due to he keep eating. we skip his night milk feed as he should have enough. mop him and soon he slept.

some interesting comments and ian's behaviour with papa's relatives.

  • he is cute - that's normal
  • why he looks like mixture? his hair is brownish - that's normal
  • he got beautiful eyes
  • he is good. he eat chicken and fish - the served dishes
  • he looks like papa
  • like father like son - when we complain that he is naughty
  • he is not even 2? he is tall
  • he is good. he drinks lots of water
  • since he is a good boy, mama can think about getting another baby - ohh! good boy! hmm... seh ku say ian not even close to that category yet. haha..
  • he refuse to let people have a close look at him. he will keep moving when people want to have a close look at him. but then when mama talk to ann gee, papa's cousin's wife and ignore him. he keep staring at her. haha...
  • he scream - that's usual. mama felt that's his way of expressing his discomfort with the environment around him

    (photos taken @ concord hotel - ian always make fun of papa, don't you think?)

    sunday... mama want to jot this as ian's first try on pasta. mama cook ikan bilis soup. pasta with ikan bilis soup and minced chicken meat. ian, good boy! finish half. mama did not let ian finish it because he already took 30 minutes for it. he still have to take some porridge as the pasta is not enough. he chew therefore take him long not because he resists. good boy! he also finish his porridge mama cook with ikan bilis soup.

    overall performance over the weekend:
    at first mama rate him as pass (average) due to his performance during the dinner. but his sunday performance pleased mama. so mama rate ian as a good boy again!

    (photos taken by papa at night while ian watching pokoyo from papa's laptop. guess what? ian get too excited, jumping up and down while watching so close at papa's laptop. don't know what he did till papa's laptop hang! haha...)
    (top left - don't know what face expression is that? hehe...)
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