Nov 12, 2008


have been teaching ian going up and going down the stairs quite some time. from letting him climb up to hold both of his hands and let him walk. started off with up and later down as well. lately, have been teaching him to hold the walls and only hold 1 of his hand to walk up and down the stairs.

usually will let ian walk around the living and dinning area in the morning. block the way going to the kitchen with his playpen. block the stairs with his cage's wall. from my working table i can't really see if he is at a spot near the way to the kitchen from the stairs. as the staircase's wall actually blocks my view. if he is playing at that area, on and off i will call out for him and after a while i still don't see him i will go over and check him.

i did the same just now. to my surprise when i walk over i saw him going up the stairs. he is already at the 5th step. i saw him walking up by holding to the wall. at first i really wonder how can he get to that far as i actually place his potty at the foot of the stairs. i put it there when ian started to play with his potty. but this time he did not play with it and even manage to by pass it. then, eventually i knew how he did it. he tried few times more after i caught him. i saw he slowly walk along the step to by pass the potty to the wall and hold on to the wall to walk up.

i called papa. told him what ian did. my comment is, he really practise and learn fast on things that i taught him. but is only things like this kind. in terms of speech, he don't seems to learn that fast. really heartache as till today he still haven't said a single word. not even papa and mama...

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