Apr 22, 2009

does he understand?

today the cleaning lady will come. she suppose to come around 2.45 but she called up to change to tomorrow morning around 10. but after thinking hard, mama really lazy to redo everything. so call her up to check the reason for her not being able to come. she is tired and need a nap. that's her reason. so mama suggest how about later. she suggested 3.30. but she ended up over slept and mama the bad person go call to wake her up. she eventually came around 4.15.

due to all the change in time, mama have to feed ian pear while the lady cleans our room before she cleans the hall. mama decided to let ian free (run around) while feeding him pear. mama told him that once he finish, come to mama to get another bite. he sometimes do come but sometimes mama have to call him to come.

[mama]: ian, have you finish? (as mama notice he has finish) finish then come...
[ian]: (happily running over for another bite)...

so, what do you think? does he understand or not? we have been worrying about his development. he have yet to talk. don't really response when we call out his name. he don't point to objects when he wants something. he either stare at them pitifully or if he could he will try to reach them on his own. he always climb up and down. no matter how many times we explain to him that it is dangerous he still do. so, how could we don't worry.

mama always believe that he understand. he is just picky on things he response to. but why? is there a problem? just hope that after sending him to some classes will help him. keep our fingers cross and hope for the best...

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