Apr 20, 2009

right start toddlers - weekend...

we had finally enrolled ian to right start toddlers by tumble tots at subang parade. it consists of 45 minutes of tumble tots class and 45 minutes of some learning. these are some of the things that ian had during his trial class on sunday.

  • holding hands, walk in a circle while singing
  • sing/rhymes along with action
  • story telling
  • learning alphabet "r" - how to write - using some rice placed in a tray
  • make flower with ready cut laminated cardboard, plasters tine and ice cream stick
  • glue ready cut pieces of colour paper to make up a drawing according to sample
  • pick an item from a bag and put it back
  • control a ball with a bat - balance on top of the bat, circle it around, move it to right/left under the bat. hit the ball with the bat and roll the ball to his partner (seh ku)

    although most of the things mama need to do it for ian but they are all something new for him. hope they will help on his development. most of those kids there can really do them on their own. really wish and can't wait for the day that ian will be able to do the same. keep our finger cross and hope for the best. we will try to do some of this at home for ian to learn, practice and have a feel of it. we bought some sticker art work from toys 'r' us for 50% as they are having clearance sales for star card member.

    seh ku went for the trial class with us. she help mama with ian. we went for the 3pm class where it started off with tumble tots class for walking to 2 years toddlers. but we eventually enrolled for the class for 2-3 years. we went for a trial for that class last weekend but found that ian can't really follow the instruction so we wanted to try ian on the lower class but found that the task are less challenging and seh ku commented that ian seems to be a bit boring. so ian's class will now start at 3.45pm on sunday, which will start off with the learning class for 45 minutes follow by the tumble tots class until 5.15pm. we enrolled up to august (buy 3 free 1 month using baiboo card). we paid for next sunday's class in addition, so ian will start his class next week and will be getting his t-shirt with his name. mustn't forget to take a photo of that. hehe.. actually lately we do not take much of ian's photo. so you don't really see much photo in each post. most of them don't even have 1.

    this is the highlight of the weekend. another highlight will be our steamboat lunch at "yuen". we have wanted to buy ee po steamboat for her birthday. ian share the same birth date with ee po. it have been keep postponed and only get to realize it on saturday. we purposely do not feed ian his porridge. keep feeding him food from the steamboat pot mostly fish balls. different kind of fish balls. tried him some spinach noodles but he don't like it. he only takes fish balls and yet we have to trick or catch him to eat. but over all he did eat quite an amount. he only took a little of his porridge at the end (just to top him up). he very soon refuse to even take his porridge. we at first guess that he might be sleepy but soon we give him his favourite corn flakes he is back to his happy mood again.

    we even feed him some ice cream. at first we have to trick him with his desire for his corn flakes. after a while he willingly take them. hehe.. that's ian's 1st try on ice cream and they are mixture of vanilla and chocolate flavour. over all ian did quite well. we call it "give us face". he allow ee po to carry and at the end willingly on his own, give ee po a french kiss. cool! *blink*

    quick sneak on the rest over the weekend. actually it started on friday...

    papa was off on friday as mama have to get back to office for a discussion on mama's new contract. papa bring ian for breakfast at apollo on his own. bravo papa! later we bring ian for a visit to a child care opposite mpsj (a subsidiary of kinderland for kids below age 3). at the moment they do not have any toddler but did have a few in the list. so, mama put us on the contact list as well. by the way, papa don't quite like that place but so far that's the only place that would take ian. let's see how's ian's progress after a month of his weekend classes.

    we drop by subang parade in the evening (that's when we made an appointment for ian's trial class on sunday). we bump into ta ku at cold storage. we bought ian's veggies as well. so, everything bought - free up weekends. papa cook spaghetti for dinner. ohh.. almost forget about this. another highlight for ian. ian had his 1st spaghetti meal. this naughty boy, he wanted so much from the sampling but when we cook he refuse to eat. but eventually with some trick plus force, he finish everything although it takes him almost an hour. hehe.. *big clap*

    we skip our park session on saturday morning. need to let ian sleep later to differ his nap time to later - to avoid him make noise for his nap during our steamboat lunch. this little boy fall asleep on our way home in the car. he poo during the lunch and we clean him at ee po's house in case he fall asleep. but unfortunately he was awake when we get home. really don't understand why he woke up. he only fall asleep on our way to sunway pyramid at night. we let him nap about half an hour and only had our dinner after 8pm.

    we purposely wake ian up early on sunday so that he could take his nap earlier as his trial class will be at 3pm. mpsj field was again occupied. this round ian manage to have his slide time. it have been hot lately so they are dry. again, he wanted to climb up once he spotted it but mama needs papa's help. so we have to wait till before we leave. ian get to walk on his own (free) at the basket ball field. he don't really run much just slowly walk around. of course never fail to try to walk out to the grass. hehe..

    we left home for ian's trial class before 2.30. bought mc nugget. ian had 1 plus his papaya. he skip his milk due to the timing. after his class he had some nugget while papa ta pau "bak kut teh". papa's favourite. ian finish his porridge and nuggets. he only left about half a piece (6 pieces in a set).

    so, we will be visiting subang parade every sunday :-)
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