Apr 28, 2009

out alone...

1st time mama went out with ian alone. actually mama recalled there was once but is back in melaka and is only going back to poh poh's house from ah poh's house. papa, the hero have lots of such experience. eventually, here comes mama's 1st experience...

yesterday, amanah saham wawasan 2020 launch new units. papa had a meeting at putrajaya. so, we are thinking to try our luck. mama will go alone with ian. we get all the fund prepared in mama's rhb account, get and filled up all the necessary form. everything ready so that will be easier for mama since need to handle ian alone.

papa left home 7.30. woke ian up a bit earlier, before 8. so happen that danny and daddy was aired at 8. ian was so happy. have been long since the last time he gets to watch it. disney channel keep changing their program time until we don't know when it was aired. (later in the evening, mama found few episodes posted in youtube. hehe.. ian enojys them. will get papa to download them. mama had 1 episode recorded in her hand phone. hehe..) get everything ready and we left slightly pass 8.30. we drop seh ku for work and there we go to taipan...

as we drive through looking for parking, you really can't believe your eyes! the queue is already up to the corner shop! mama made up her mind. we shall just buy bread for papa from baker's cottage (papa's throat not feeling well) and then go home. mama reward ian by buying an extra kaya bread for him. the other day mama feed him and he loves it.

but still we need to look for parking. saw some parking but is a bit far so plan to turn to look for others. when we pass by maybank, gosh! also pack with people. here even worst. they don't even queue! no luck. have to take the bit far parking. oppss! no more. we ended up park at the water hydrant (illegal) and did a quick shop and left. lucky no "saman". hehe..

although we did not get to do what we intend to. but it was definitely a good outing alone with ian. ian behave well. no problem in the car, neither while mama buy bread. thanks, ian...

back home, mama realize she left her hand phone at home and also forget to switch off slow cooker for ian's porridge. hehe.. shall learn from mistake, ok...

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