May 14, 2009

cute here, cute there (2)...

some memories of our cute ian...
(a second post of it. too many cute things. hehe.. will keep 5 items in each post. so, here will record the next 5...)

  • sit with mama...
    lately, ian will on and off come to mama while she is working (sitting in front of her laptop). he will try to climb onto the chair she is sitting. try to sit in front of her. mama will help him and let him sit there. he will sit there for a while and get back down to continue walking around. once, while mama busy discuss with her colleague through msn, ian try to climb up. she try to push him away but he insist. he win as mama give in. let him sit there. the little "kepoh" boy, also want to type for the msn. haiyo...

  • give me a kiss...
    sometimes ian will place his face to our lips asking you to give him a kiss. haha.. so cute. seh ku said he did that to her as well. once, again he climb up to mama's chair while she is sitting there but not to sit in front. instead, he request to sit at a carry position (sit on mama's lap, hugging mama). he put his face to her lips asking for a kiss. and is a few times. before he eventually get down. sooo.. cute...

  • where is your "z"?...
    ian likes to throw his alphabet peg puzzle (actually he throws everything *sigh*). then while he walks around he tend to kick them here and there. he also likes to hold them (1 at a time) while he walks around. sometimes leaving them behind at places he been. so, after a while for those puzzle lying around, mama will put some effort to put them back. just in case after too long, she will have hard time looking for them since they are tiny. opps.. missing a "z". this is what happen while mama looking for it...

    [mama]: ian, where is your "z"?
    [ian]: (walking up and down. never bother - always have been like that...)
    [mama]: (continue asking where is your "z" while looking for it...)
    [ian]: (giggling away...)
    [mama]: (continue looking...) why are you giggling? i am asking you where is your "z"? see your "z" is... (about to say missing while looking at the puzzle...)

    to her surprise the "z" is there. so, now you know why the naughty boy is giggling about.

    later, again while mama put them back and this time missing a "u". before mama even say a word, there comes ian running back with the "u" and put it back nicely to complete them. how sweet and cute, right?
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