May 12, 2009

mothers' day - weekend...

mama's 3rd mothers' day... is not that bad after all... really...

ah poh and ku ku came on friday to spend their weekend here. we manage to sneak some time to spend alone. only 3 of us. although they are only short ones but they are as good. they really gave mama a sweet mothers' day rememberance...

we went to mpsj field on saturday morning. ku ku and ah poh joined us. mama tried to give ian as much freedom but he sometimes try to go to some inappropriate area. eg, run into people where they are running, go to the fence etc. he sweat even more than papa who actually jog for 5 rounds around the track field.

we went to apollo for breakfast. ian had "chee cheong fan" and fish balls. we ta pau the fish balls to feed him later. went to ta ku's house to meet them. we are seeking their advise and idea for renovating our new house. we plan to go around houses there that had the original same design as ours next week to get more ideas before we decide on anything. hopefully we can get our house done and move in before the next cny.

we then bought some breads and head home. notice the missing part of buying ian's veggies? papa happen to go for a meeting on friday. he came home after that and he was early. so we went out to buy them on friday evening. take a rest and went to mid valley after ian's nap and shower. yes! shower! ian enjoys them very much. hehe.. we drop by to pay ee po a visit before we went to mid valley since she is not feeling well. hmm.. what's the story here? mr. bean animated series' music! that was ee po's sms tone. it really catches ian's attention. seh ku had it copied to her phone and she have to repeat it for ian. haha.. we all had fun too. looking at ian smilingly enjoys it.

we have some thong kei egg tarts while we did a quick shop at carrefour. ian had his 1st try of egg tart. yummy! he likes it just like mama do. hehe... then we had dinner at laminala. this round we let ian had his fried rice 1st before we top him up with his porridge. bravo! he really eat lots of them. we only need to top him up with very little of his porridge. mama ended up finish up his porridge when we get home. ian was eating slow as he needs to chew his rice. so, ah poh, ku ku and seh ku went off 1st. somehow, later this was our great time together...

almost miss this out... during our dinner, mama actually did not buckle ian up in his baby chair. actually mama lately did not really do that in almost all occasion. *ahem* can say that ian have been behave good. suddenly we notice that he has been buckled up. uhh! he actually did that on his own. haha.. then we witness he unbuckle and buckle a few times on his own before the buckle start to get a bit stubborn and play him out. he fail to unbuckle after he buckle himself. haha.. but is really cute watching him do it repeatedly...

while we walk over to the garden, we spotted an advert for phineas and ferb cartoon. ian watched them when he is still watching disney channel. now we switch him to playhouse disney channel. he happen to watch them again when he is admitted to sunway. when we saw that advert, mama said "what you doing?"... haha.. ian giggle. so cute... we repeated few times and each time he will giggle. then, mama felt like taking a shot of us. we stop by on our way and tada! this is the shot. consider not bad, right?

we just walk around. there is nothing much. when we are about to leave isetan, we spotted the thomas and friends toy train being displayed (moving). ian was so excited. he hold himself up in his stroller to get a better view. cute...

then we meet up with them and shop a little while at jusco before we head home. that's our saturday...

on sunday, we went to the park instead of mpsj field. mama let ian run around at the basket ball field 1st. later spotted that the futsal field was empty. bring ian in (is surrounded by fence). he ran a while and started to walk towards the door (wanted to go out) already. so mama bring him to the playground. let him play with the bouncer. not long, he then tried to come down on his own. then, walk towards the slide. yes, the slide! ian always like that. he actually tried made his own slide at home. how? he place the cushion chair, then the stool next to the cushion (single), where we use to put his car seat. he will climb from the cushion chair to the stool and finally to his car seat. just like a slide steps. then he will slide down from his car seat. gosh! wonder where he got that idea. but he no longer able to do that. we kept everything. only left the cushion...

since mama is alone, so mama wanted to let ian try doing it by himself. let him climb up on his own. get him to sit down when he is at the top of the slide and get him to push himself down while mama just watch by the side just in case. great! he did it by himself. later everyone joins in and we have some fun watching ian playing the slide. he wanted to be adventurous. so we let him do it. he crawl through the tunnel to the other slide and slide down from there. cool!

we went to pelita to have roti canai for breakfast. ian tried roti kosong this round while waiting for roti telur. yummy! he likes it. then we head home. papa drove ah poh and ku ku to pay ronnie, ah pek's little princess a visit. seh ku brought her work home to do, so she is in her room. mama had some time alone with ian before his his lunch time. he run around the house. then, mama thought of taking some shoots. tada! actually there are quite a number of nice ones but these are mama's favourite. more to ian looking cool in them.

papa get home just in time when mama giving ian a shower before his nap. we all took a nap. later woke ian up for his class. feed him some milk and we left for his class. this time, ian did better. of course compare to last week. but then last week he did quite bad. so, up to you how you want to grade it...

what ian learn this time? mostly new things...

  • learning alphabet "q" - how to write (on a laminated cardboard with letter "q" on a queen's head - little "q")
  • learn "q" for queen, quilt, quil, quiet - given a small piece of quilt to play. given a quil's feather to play
  • story telling - 5 little ducks. ducks quack. counting 5 ducks, 1 swim away, left 4 and so on...
  • learn quater - how to fold a square into quater. fold 4 quater to form a square. count the quater

  • art - made a queen's crown. this is the fun part. those kids are so fond of the crown. some wanted to wear it so much that they even wore it during the tumble tots session. haha.. but our ian, always refuse to put anything on his head. mama have to hold his hands to catch the following shoot (we saw people started taking photos, we took also. hehe..)

    (thanks pa, mama likes this shoot very much. a sweet one for happy mothers' day to mama...)

    we enjoys the tumble tots session. why? there are few kids that were so funny. ian's "friends". we (the parents) giggle while watching them. haha..

    remember the stick last week? mama start to worry when she spotted the other group playing with the stick. but not too bad. ian actually did some of the things when the instructor told him to. of course with mama's help. but definitely better than last week. at least no accident...

    at the end of the session, they had a birthday song singing session for a little girl. they had a fake cake for the candles for the kids to blow. the little girl was given a balloon. later, they get the kids to collect a flower from the instructor to be given to their mummy. of course mama have to guide ian to get it. you guess what? instead of getting the flower, he detour and grab the little girl's balloon. lucky it did not burst. huh! ian showed his "geli" face after he touched the flower. haha.. later they ask the kids to give their mummy a hug and a kiss. ian did hug mama but no kiss. but is indeed sweet...

    papa wanted to buy some curry puffs from uncle lim. while he queue for it. mama walk ian around. once mama let him free. he run like crazy. ohh.. no.. no more running. papa is done. there we go home. papa bought a roti bakar for ian. yummy! he enjoys it. we went home to pick up ah poh, ku ku and seh ku to have dinner at ta ku's house.

    ohh.. ya. went we drop by at ta ku's house yesterday, ian as usual wanted to walk up and down the stairs. you guess what? he manage to walk up on his own. but he will make sure that mama is following him (he on and off turn to ensure that). so cute... so, he did that again on sunday. while papa bring ee po, ah poh, ta ku and su ean jie jie to the dvd shop, ian behave so well that mama have to jot it down. he can sit between seh ku and mama to watch tv. is actually so hot that we can see he is turning red but he still can sit quietly. of course with some movement but is really cool! later we went home...

    so that's our cool weekend... so, isn't it true? is not that bad after all. indeed it is cool!
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