Jul 7, 2008


ian, the little lazy boy. haha..

thursday evening... lately papa and seh ku work late. till quite late still only ian and me. i leave him to watch tv from his playpen while i continue to work till around 8 something only we go upstairs.

from time to time i will turn over to check on him. suddenly i notice he is sitting on a pillow while watching tv. i was shock. he pulled the pillow from his pile of pillows place at the cushion. he usually will either throw to the floor, bite the pillow etc. but this time he sit on it. so cute. i was shock & he was shock by my reaction and stand up from the pillow. but then i suddenly felt like taking a shot of it as is really cute. i put him back on the pillow but is so hard to take a shot as he keep jumping up from it. guess these are the best i could get.

(the actual version where he sit and watch tv cuter...)

friday afternoon... i started to let ian walk around (out of his playpen or cage) lately, while i watch him. is just a short about 15 minutes each afternoon before i read to him, feed him biscuit, then let him nap. he is always very happy when he gets to walk around. but i limit the place to very small so that i can sit and watch him from a corner.

he walk and walk then after awhile he will look for place to sit. everywhere that looks possible for his little butt he will land on it. once he even walk to me and land his butt on my lap (i am sitting on the floor). i get my camera ready and try to catch a shot to show papa and seh ku the little lazy boy. i failed few times and finally i got one. but then he is biting his toy. but when he realize i am taking photo of him. he give me a smile for a next shot. this is the nice and cute one...

(look at the sweet smile... he is half sitting on the tv rack...)

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