Aug 28, 2008

1st trip - singapore...

we pack till late at night on saturday. need to wake up early on sunday. still packing. papa laugh as mama did things till the very last minute. right before the taxi is here.

looking ian, can tell that he is wondering why papa and mama is sitting together with him at the back of the car passanger seat. usually papa will be driving the car. this is the first time papa sit together with him with mama.

reach klia. walk around after check-in. have something light at burger king. feed ian bread with egg that mama made this morning with some additional fries. let ian play at the play area.

(ian having fun bouncing...)

didn't take flight for so long. didn't know that now cannot bring even a bottle of water into the flight. the last trip/flight was 2 years ago. sometime in august to langkawi. i am expecting ian at that time. just got the test result to confirm from doctor. so fun. got privillage to get in first with ian. papa so happy.

is a 12pm flight. ian quickly doze off once we get into the flight, after we fasten his seat belt to mine. he slept through till we reach. we woke him up. it save our trouble and worry of him feeling uncomfortable with his ear block during take-off and landing. his initiative gave us an idea. we shall try to do the same when we come back on wednesday. can't blame as this is ian's first flight experience. we have been asking around and thinking of ways to try to keep him comfortable while flying.

(ian's blur face as he just woke up from his nap...)

reach changi. already way pass ian's lunch feed time. is around 1.30pm (ian's usual lunch feed is 11.30pm to 12pm). can't go upstairs for more choice of restaurant. so we had gloria jeans. no baby chair. feed ian at his stroller. we had forsee the late lunch due to the flight time. that's why we gave him 1 slice of bread instead of usual half.

took taxi to elizabeth hotel. according to the taxi driver, it have been raining for few days. check in to the hotel. we wanted to rest but ian don't want to nap. still raining. but we need to buy some groceries. plan to take taxi. so, we bath and go out. at first plan to go nearby, orchard road. end up went to suntec city as there is carrefour. ian last woke up when we reach ard 1pm till 6pm plus. so, he eventually fall asleep in the taxi. let him sleep while we grab our groceries. bought a straw tumble for ian. we have been looking for a not soft type so that ian won't feel geli and won't bite till break.

we eat at food court. papa's favourite. we had that each time we go to singapore. looks like kuey teow soup but is dark colour soup. so far not found in malaysia. wake ian up as we need to feed him porridge. we cook porridge to bring over for sunday's feed. no baby chair. first time ian go to a food court. he is excited when he fully awake. jumping up and down. papa is so greedy. ordered 3 set of food. give ian heinz pear after he finish his porridge.

after dinner, we walk around. saw a nice fountain. wanted to take photo. suddenly realize that 1 of ian's shoes is missing when i carry him for photo shoot. we turn back to back trace his shoes. had an argument with papa. he don't agree to waste time to look as he believe anyone who found it would have thrown it away. but i just felt like trying my luck to look because that's ian's first pair of shoes we bought for him. too sentimental. just can't accept the fact that it has lost.

eventually we gave up and tried to get a replacement from carrefour but we can't get a suitable one. we left sadly to go back to the hotel. mama still can't accept the fact that the shoe is missing. till now. i always feel that the shoe is waiting for me to go back and get it back. too bad. we are now back in malaysia and no chance to get it back. i always felt like trying to get things that had lost back. at least i try no matter how hard. that's the diff between me and papa. that's the reason for our argument. anyway, i have set my mind to buy back the same pattern of shoes. hopefully we can find one. but whether to get a same size or a bigger one, have not decided. the last time i recall ian walking with the shoes is at the hotel lobby while waiting for papa to check in. sad rite? for the rest of the day, since no shoes, will let ian wear shocks and when there is a need for him to walk will change him to his sandals (will have to take off his shocks as it won't fit)

quite surprise that although ian had a nap quite late but then still manage to get to sleep quite easily. may be he is tired. since the rain stops we took mrt and walk back to the hotel.

need to wake up very early in the morning so that can slowly feed ian food from the complimentary morning breakfast. also papa's training starts at 9am. feed ian 3oz of milk before the breakfast. nothing much that is suitable for ian. give ian fish porridge with scramble egg with additional sausage. ian poo while eating. he did not poo after his poo (not much) in the morning at home before we left. did try to let him poo at the toilet bowl but he don't like it. bring him up and clean him. then get back to continue the breakfast. when he almost finish, he poo again. pitty him as he really poo hard. since i am alone so i simply clean him and simply bath him.

after that, let him relax on the bed, read him flash cards, books and play some toys. i am so tired and i took a rest. not long after that, ian fall asleep too. i am half a wake to make sure he is ok. let him nap 1.5 hour. wake him up around 11.30am to feed him another 3 oz of milk. bring him walk around the hotel. is raining again. bring him to see the swimming pool. let him walk around in the room, watch tv, play toys. the cartoon channel they have is different. no disney channel. but somehow, i happen to catch "danny and daddy". but then ian only watch it when is ending. too busy with his toy. then i also manage to catch "jojo circus". ian is so happy watching it.

papa have a long lunch break. he came back to the hotel. papa plan to skip the last session of the day training and be back early so that we can go out earlier. feed ian cereal and let him play for a while before he take a nap again. let him nap another 1.5 hour till 4.30pm in case we hang out till late.

papa came back early. we bath, prepare ian's food - heinz mix vege. quickyly go out in case it rains again. took mrt to bugis street. had dinner at pastamania at the underpath. got baby chair. clumsy mama, rush and rush to get out early, forget to bring ian's spoon. feed him with big spoon. papa bought kfc's fries to get a small spoon. actually wanted to buy wipped potato but all of theirs are ready with sauce. we need the small spoon to feed ian heinz apple.

we walk around in bugis street. nothing much there. saw the same pattern of tumble we bought from carrefour yesterday but is only SGD 1. compare to yesterday's SGD 10.90. so heartache. bought 2 since is only SGD 1.

papa wanted to bring ian to see merlion. while looking looking for it, after we took mrt there it started to rain again. took taxi from esplanet back to hotel. the surcharge is really expensive. there goes our second night. get back to hotel early.

our last night, is raining again. took taxi to takasimaya. lucky it links with few complex. had dinner at one of the food court. got baby chair. greedy papa wanted a third set of food but no luck. he didn't see anything interesting.

we walk around. it stops rainning. but there is nothing much to see. we walk back to the hotel. that's the end of our trip. start packing.

no breakfast the next morning. breakfast is not included in the extended night. not worth to pay for it. not much choice in the buffet line. we sleep till quite late as we only need to check out at 10am plus. besides that we also need to arrange ian to nap in the flight. is a 1.45pm flight.

took taxi to changi. nice taxi driver. help us to check which terminal to stop us base on our flight number using his handphone. papa claim that that's the cheapest taxi fair for this trip.

we check in and walk around. had burger king (again!!) didn't realize until i write this. feed ian cereal with some additional scramble egg, frieds and hash brown. ian poo! ian did not poo this morning. he poo yesterday night. usually if he poo at night, morning he won't poo. although we did tried. look for place to clean him up.

(king ian...)

(our theme - orange)

change him to his sandals. let him play at the play area. let him walk around. papa notice the last call for the flight even though is still early. go to the flight. again no water allowed. only allow 1 bottle for ian. quickly feed ian 1 piece of rusk biscuits. get him ready to nap in the flight. we seat at the front row of economic class. ian really nap before the flight take-off. is raining again.

finally we are home. tired. still got to unpack and cleanup. few days not around so you can imagine. cook. so lazy to unpack. need to pack to go back to melaka on saturday again.

conclusion of our first trip:
over all it is a great trip. especially ian. did not give much problem. although his milk feed gives lots of problem during the trip. he is willing to seat on his stroller when both of us not free to look after him. really glad he is willing to do so.

you can check on more photos taken during the trip here.

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