Dec 19, 2008

injured finger - follow up...

the incident happen on monday. dr ask to bring ian for follow up check up 3 days later - wednesday. but we prefer to bring ian to see dr deng. there we go, bring along all the medicine that the previous dr gave.

dr deng said ian's injury is very minor. his finger nail should not fall off. *pheww* what a relief. but some part of the nail will dried/die off. as the nail grows, just cut it off. however, it will take sometime before his nail get back to the normal look.

although dr convince us that it will not be painful when the nail drop off but we still worry that the pain will be there. let's hope what dr claim is true. hope that the nail will not drop off.

i notice his finger tip is a bit dry and harden. dr say can put cream to moisturize it. hope this will reduce the portion of the nail that will dried/die off. let's keep our finger cross for the best - heel in the shortest time, minimum pain, minimum damage, everything gets back to normal after recovery. let's pray hard...

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