Jan 6, 2009

a great long week...

went back to melaka on christmas eve. papa got half day off. went back in the evening after ian's nap. there it starts the great long week...

24th (wednesday)...
ku ku bought (ordered) chicken and pie from some christian for dinner. for the fun of having a feast during christmas eve.

25th (thursday)...
shop at tesco in the morning. ian slept in the car on our way leaving tesco for lunch. had lunch at a restaurant opposite "pei tak". let ian continue to nap on mama's shoulder while waiting for lunch to be served. poor thing. he cried when being waken up for lunch.

papa and mama take turns to get our hair cut. planned to go together leaving ian sleeping while seh ku help to watch him but it has a long queue. got to go back later. shop at giant and guardian at night. crazy collecting stamps for ian's paddington bear backpack.

26th (friday)...
went to poh poh's house in the morning. play with kai kai ko ko and tau tau di di. went to temple. ian slept on the way to temple due to the jam. woke up in the temple. can't sleep well on mama's shoulder. nap a while only. on the way home, saw xuen xuen mei mei at poh poh's house.

went all the way to pulau gadong to buy roti john. while having fun chit chatting and eating, ian put the plaster in his mouth. when mama try to dig out he somehow swallow it. whole night worry about it.

27th (saturday)...
waited for ian to poo out the plaster. didn't see it in his morning's poo. after lunch, let ian poo as usual. finally, the plaster is out. saw it in the poo. the poo is watery so is pretty obvious.

had kfc at mahkota parade for dinner. shop around for a while then went home. bought and added micropore on top of the plaster to prevent it from getting off easily. really worry that ian might swallow it again.

28th (sunday)...
papa, seh ku and ku ku got yoong association meeting in the morning. we went back to poh poh's house. ian did not poo in the morning. poo during lunch at poh poh's house. make mama "kelam kabut". after the break he make so much noise. refuse to finish the porridge.

ian almost fall asleep while we drive out to ta pau. he make noise when carry him down from the car when we reach home. let him roll on the mattress. let him try to get to sleep. papa is on his way. when papa drop by ian haven't fall asleep so papa bring ian back to ah poh's house to nap. mama stay on to chit chat with poh poh.

brought poh poh and ah poh to the store (was originally fajar). wanted to buy them clothes for cny. poh poh insist of not getting any. poh poh join us for dinner. had dinner at "chung hua lou".

29th (monday)...
there goes our stay in melaka. we head back to usj in the morning. visited dr emma on our way home as mama's face is down with some allergy. dr suspect is allergy towards dust mite. she suggest to get allergy pills from her during our next trip back to melaka for cny for in case. she suggest to put the pillow under the sun in case there is really any dust mite. mama got a day mc for tomorrow. had ah koong for dinner.

30th (tuesday)...
papa is off. went for dental appointment in the morning. went to sunway piramid after that. ian can't get to nap on the way there. the distance is too short. shop for ian's veggies. we had lunch at shogun. mama buy papa as mama got the payback for her earn leaves for 2007.

ian did not poo in the morning. he poo while having lunch. clean him up and continue with lunch. feed ian steam egg, chicken, some watermelon and papaya. he make noise towards the end. is almost time to sleep. we left and ian nap on the way home. continue to nap when we reach. papa cook for dinner.

31st (wednesday)...
is a normal working day but papa came home early. he ta pau food for us
1st (thursday)...
ian had a hair cut. more and more difficult to cut his hair. he is very impatient. or may be this time his hair is a bit too long. take longer time.

had breakfast with ee po at chow yang. ee po help to buy chicken for ian. went to mid valley after that. ian nap on the way there. shop for ian's veggies while he sleep. wake him up for lunch. we had lunch at the gurney, garden.

shop around. guardian having special new year sales. giving out vouchers. we also aiming for stamps for ian's paddington bear backpack. spent a lot. crazy! not enough! on the way home, went to guardian at taipan because mid valley's don't have something we wanted. not enough again! went to guardian at sunway piramid at night. had dinner at nandos. too bad that still don't have something we wanted.

what a tired day of hanging out almost whole day...

2nd (friday)...
mama working. papa is off again. he take care of ian. papa cook for 2 meals. seh ku is off too. she help out with ian.

3rd (saturday)...
stay at home day after all the tiring shopping day. had breakfast at pelita. went out for dinner with ee po at ss2, "wai sek kai". very long never been there since ian's arrival. quite fun. at least ian behave so that we can have our dinner. purposely feed ian at home before we went out. feed him manggo there. shop again at ss2 guardian. never ending...

4th (sunday)...
papa cook spagetti for 2 meals. went to subang carrefour to buy ian's veggies. papa knock the back of a car while looking for parking. paid the uncle rm50. what a luck... this is the 1st accident with ian in the car if i recall correctly. went to summit. for guardian again! worst! there's nothing there. have to go to taipan's.

something cute: papa bought some wafer from cold storage. try out in the evening. papa let ian try some. he then saw seh ku also having some. he walk to seh ku (in his playpen) and try to use his hand to reach for the wafer that seh ku is having. he repeat this few times. he seldom get so interested in any food till he do something like this. hehe...

that's the great long week. what so great about it? note that mama don't have to worry about food, about ian as papa is around. not much stress. but sometimes is tiring due to shopping. papa likes to shop. but mama really feel that she is getting old. really tiring...

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