Feb 20, 2009

bits and pieces...

bits and pieces to be remembered...

["ta da" with mama...]
ian was having fun playing with mama while mama preparing to cook his porridge at the dry kitchen. he is there waiting at the safety gate. mama will jump out (let he see me) shouting "ta da". he is so happy, laughing and running away as though mama is going to chase him. that's his style. when he is happy he will run around screaming, laughing. seh video some part of it. cute to watch it. he will run back to the gate again and there it goes repeating the process...

["5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0"...]
while feeding ian, mama try to play with him. we have been playing counting fingers (open up) from 1 to 5. out of the blue, mama just thought of playing count down, 5 to 0 (closing). each time when it reaches "0" ian will laugh. he seems to like it. the fun part was suddenly while he is walking around playing on his own, he walk to me, pull my hand and start to make me count down. haha.. so mama just entertain him. too bad that he doesn't seems to have enough of it. mama told him i have to work. cannot work with only 1 hand. but he refuse and make noise. i was stun. don't know what to feel about it. funny? hmm...

[counting fingers...]
we have been playing this with ian as i said but is always using our fingers. suddenly mama notice that ian did it on his own fingers. hehe... really cute...

[car lights...]
every time when papa is home, while he drive in, ian will get to his hyper mode. what is it about? he saw the car lights shine into the house on the wall. he will start to run to the wall and run to the gate watching the car lights. keep repeating it while he will scream and laugh happily...

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