Feb 6, 2009

ian is soooo cute...

can't help it but to jot this down. toooo cute to forget...

mama's colleague organize a lou sang dinner last night. papa happen to agree to it. the dinner starts at 8pm therefore papa say he most probably could make it. ian nap only for 1 hour up to around 2.15pm. tried to pat him for more than half hour but he just can't get back to sleep. just have to hope that he will not make noise during dinner.

1st cute thing... ian actually move a bit before 2pm. get him settled. while concentrating on looking that the logs, suddenly i felt that someone shake my chair. i was like gosh.. there is no one else in the house. i slowly turn around to check. as i turn and saw ian is missing from his mattress. goodness. he woke up and walk away quietly. he almost fall down as he is wearing socks (to keep his feet warm during nap as he had a bit running nose few days ago). bet that's the reason he can't get back to sleep. too waken up...

ian have been good boy. mama manage to get everything done as planned and there papa is back and we went for the dinner. everyone is there already.

2nd cute thing... after we put him at the baby chair while we start to address the rest suddenly we notice that ian is scanning through the people sitting around the table. when we notice that, while we stare at what he is doing he notice that we are staring at him. he shyly quickly turn around and stop scanning. cute right?

3rd cute thing... suddenly we heard the tai thong worker announce that choi san yeh is coming around with the song played a loud. we are sitting right under the speaker. ian was shock and look for the direction where the sound was coming. he then suddenly saw the choi san yeh walk towards my colleague sitting opposite us. he look shock staring at him. as he walk across, ian never leave his eyes from him. i was like gosh.. i think he is walking towards ian. i am right. he came to ian and give ian a mandarin orange. ian's expression tell us that he is scared and shock. he even push the orange away. lucky that the choi san yeh left fast otherwise ian might burst into tears. at 1st i thought that he don't like the orange because is cold but eventually after a few attempt of giving it to him, i think he just don't like its texture. he is really cute with his expression when he saw the choi san yeh. something that words can't describe/picture it. haha...

ian did behave but not for all of course. but still ok. we started him off with grapes. he refuse to eat at 1st. then ok. but refuse again after about eating half of it. then we give cornflakes. this was the best and last the longest. but eventually he play with it and finally don't want it. we give him book to flip. it lasted a while and he threw the book off few times. no choice, we have to give him his pacifier. he also give some hard time with it. trying to pull and bite the clip. soon we left. the dishes was fast. guess we only miss the desert.

mama's colleague wanted to carry him but he refuse and keep shouting "don't want" in his language then start making noise. hai... but still ok la. thanks ian for behaving. thanks pa for making it happen.

(can't help it. took some photos before feeding ian dinner. he is laughing while watching thomas and friends...)

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