Apr 2, 2009

ulcer - day 7...

7th day, it marks a week of the pain incident that happen. still clearly remember how unwell ian was. crying so badly. cry when all the needles poking into him for blood test, antibiotic drip etc. poor boy. glad that all these had over. we will just be more careful in future. also glad that we can say that ian had almost fully recover. his ulcer spot is almost not visible. just left a tiny white spot. so, this will be the last post of this. tada!

by the way, remember that papa was not feeling well? he had fever. the next day, he notice that he had some spot on his palm. today papa visited dr and ya, he might have caught the virus from ian. why? then mama recalled that papa finish up the porridge he bought for ian that ian refuse to eat on friday. uhh.. this could be how he got it. gosh! mama finish up so many of ian's barley and chrysanthemum water that he can't finish. also his porridge. pray hard that mama won't get it. mama not feeling well lately but drink lots of water and cooling drinks. hope will help...

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