Jun 5, 2008

growing and getting brave...

ian is developing each day. whether is bad or good...

end of day walk... each day before i end the day. i will pack my work and let ian walk around. i put him in his playpen all day long while i work. either i will watch him walk or seh ku will do it. he started walking before he was 1 and get the fun of walking (more steady now). when is time for him to go upstairs he will make noise. no matter how, we will still drag him up - let him walk up the stairs. he will make noise while his legs walking up the stairs. few days ago. he started to instead walking up, he walk backwards from the stairs. real funny. guess he is learning. haha..

step higher... he likes to steps on things to stand higher. better view i guess - taller. normally i will tell him no and ask him to step down while watching him in case he fall (he is in his cage). he holds the wall. today he bravely stand without holding the wall. no support. yet he can smile to me. he makes us more worry about him. makes us can't leave our eyes away from him. guess that's part of bringing up a child.

look at the naughty little boy trying to get a step higher...

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