Jun 5, 2008


we have wanted to blog ian's growth not long after he was born, after seeing what my friend did. but we are so busy with the new life with ian. work and ian takes all of our time.

today, after going through another friend's blog. it really inspired me to put it a start. they way she blogs give me an idea that it actually should not take too much of my time. i always do a daily report for work. so, it is just a daily report for ian. i might not be able to do it daily but i will try to do as much.

as i am taking care of ian myself while working from home, i really have all the story of him of the whole day. each day i will tell story of what had happen - normally how naughty he is... to papa (daddy) and seh ku (daddy's youngest sis who is staying with us) when they are back from work. so, it is just a matter of writing it down.

ian already 14 months old. it means we had miss 14 months stories of his growth. so, is better to get started before more to miss. meanwhile shall see whether we can recall the passed stories and probably put it into another blog - missing stories? or what stories are missing?...

we have so much memories of ian since his arrival. we always recall them and tell it over again... "remember once he...", "remember that he..."... all the remember. they are now still fresh in our mind but how long will they last. sometimes if not because of some video clips or photos taken we don't really recall some of the things that had happen. as human grow older, they tend to forget things. we wouldn't want to forget a single piece of memory of ian. so, better get it blogged. at least we know there is a place where we can look back for memories. bad or good...

this is ian, our boy at 14 months...

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