Jun 24, 2008

something cute...

end of day walk... remember that in my post, i said ian will make noise when we bring him upstairs after his end of day walk and i tried to inform him before hand that how long more he have before i bring him up. it works for few times and that's it. he make noise again. so, this method don't seems to work.

lately i tried a new method and seems to work. at least so far so good. usually we will bring him up around 8 something, before 8.30. we let him watch playhouse disney channel on astro. 8-8.30 is airing pokoyo follow by mickey mouse club house at 8.30-9. i tell him while he make noise that pokoyo going to finish and mickey mouse going to start. ask him to walk faster. then he will concentrate to walk fast and stop making noise :p

lean... after we bring him up. i will mop him and change him into his pajamas. then we will put some pillows against the bed on the mattress and let him lean on it to watch his program. yesterday, after i put him into his pajamas, while watching his program, he slowly move backwards. my guess he would want to lean. i quickly put the pillow. once he feel the pillow, he lean back. then he quickly sit up again. look back to check the pillow. hehe.. we put 2 layer for him. that's only 1 and that's his reaction. then i quickly put another. he lean back and start rocking. haha..

maey... lately ian seems to called something sound like maey.. pelat sound of ma. don't know is it what he try to call or we just syok sendiri. yesterday while i am preparing his porridge and seh ku happen to went upstairs, he called out loud. after i answered him, he keep quiet. hehe.. another time was after i have done my stuff for the night, i usually will sit with ian to watch tv. i was there talking to seh ku ignoring him. he suddenly called out loud to get my attention. haha..

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