Jul 1, 2008


ian woke up from his afternoon nap slightly earlier yesterday. i feed him milk. i change the milk bottle teat, the naughty boy take so long to drink. keep biting the teat. after that as usual, i wash up. let him continue to roll while i wash. then, i will pack up his mattress and everything and let him play toys in his playpen.

in my earlier post i said that he likes to step on his toys (especially big ones) to get a step higher. he called out loud while standing up. i was about to cut mango for him. we give him fruits everyday in the evening. different types of fruits like, apple, pear, banana, papaya, grapes and mango depends on what we manage buy for that week. for the pass few days after he poo on his diaper, this is how he give signal around this time to tell me that he wants to poo. i turn to him and tell him, "ok, mama let you put put (ian's language for poo) before mama cut mango for you. give mama a while. let mama finish up this 1st". i am having a discussion with my colleague through msn and is about to finish.

suddenly, from the corner of my eyes i witness ian fell off from his playpen. goosshh.. i quickly carry him up. he start to cry out loud right after i carry him. while he cry - open his mouth wide, i saw some blood from both side of his mouth. i really feel the chill in me. trying to comfort him while checking his head - his head land 1st. then i quickly call papa to inform him about the incident. while waiting for papa to get home to bring ian to see doctor, i check his mouth again. the blood is due to he bite/cut each side of his tongue. it stops bleeding. i let him drink some water to rinse and let him suck his pacifier. i put ice on his forehead where he landed - it was swollen (bengkak).

i get prepared to go to doctor while waiting for papa. i measure the height of the playpen base on ian's height. hai.. this is not the 1st fall. that's what doctor will ask. i was more ready this time compare to the 1st. i know what to do. but this is not something good. it means ian fall again. hai.. so sad this happen to him. i took a photo of his playpen and the toy he steps on when he fall. in case, if need to show to doctor.

meanwhile i observe him. he looks just normal. he still want what he usually wants and still make noise if you take it away. looks normal to me. doctor said he looks normal and we just need to observe him for the next 48 hours for any abnormal behaviour. so far ian looks normal. still active. just the normal him. i put ice on his swollen forehead few more times as doctor said it will help to reduce the swell.

in my heart i keep praying hard that no internal injuries and ian will be as normal and healthy. i really wish it did not happen. if only i did not finish up what i am doing and attend to him earlier. but who will know what will happen in the next second.

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