Jul 2, 2008

finally, the correct way...

last night, when i am preparing to cook ian's porridge, seh ku eat and watch ian - he is playing toys in his playpen. we leave the tv on for him. that's our normal practice. ian make noise. seh ku give him the ducky stack (that's the ducky that ian bite and thorn its bill). as usual, he will eye to bite on the bill. but then seh ku manage to put it away without ian's notice. according to seh ku this is because he is concentrating to play with the stack.

we actually let him play with the stack since i mention in my older post. but he will only bite on the ring, bite on the stack, throw them, step on them. that's his usual way of playing. but lately he start to like the fun of inserting the ring to his another toy, castle stack. it looks like a cup to him where he like to put things inside.

back to the ducky stack. seh ku is chit chatting with me suddenly seh ku told me that he put the ring into the stack. i quickly finish up cooking and went out to look at how he play. i manage to catch some video of him playing. (just to complain... i manage to catch good ones more than 3 minutes but then my stupid hand phone sucks.. hang while saving. i restart and try again. this time almost 2 minutes. it hangs again. i ended up make 3 separate videos each around a minute. hai.. but then imagine how long ian played otherwise i won't have so much chance to try again.)

(the ducky stack. that's the thorn bill by ian. hehe.. those are some of the best result i could recall from what ian produce)

this is another toy that papa bought for ian long time ago. we did let him play once but then i keep it when he started to step on the box to get a step higher. i took it out later in the night to let ian play in the room after we have done with everything, while waiting to feed ian's night feed before bed. the first shape he manage to put in without much help is the circle. the rest he needs some help. guess circle has no sides therefore is easier to put in. actually there are more but then i only let him play with 4 as he always throw his toys and poor mama will have to hunt for where are his toys - all the corners.

finally, our boy play his toy in the correct way. instead of only throw (he still throw), only bite (he still bite), only step (he still step). papa must be happy and feel proud. but too bad he has to work late and ian only manage to demo to him a bit. never mind, we wait for weekends ok.

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