Jul 21, 2008

rainy weekend back in melaka...

we went back to melaka over the weekend. we went back on friday and came back on sunday. the story started on friday...

friday... a busy day. busy packing things. mind busy thinking of what to bring back. busy planning and schedule ian's timing for feed, nap, bath. aiming for leaving after 6pm before 7pm. papa will try to get home earlier so that we can leave around this time.

ian's poo timing runs a bit lately. every time when we introduce some new food to him, that will be the result. he poo at his diaper for continuous few days since monday. everyday without fail, there must be once. on monday he poo for 4 times. really tired dealing with him. he did not poo much after his lunch so i know for sure he will going to poo another time. i told him that we will be going back to melaka in the evening so he better poo before that. fine. he really did but is while i am busy packing his stuff after his evening milk feed. i let him poo as i can't do much when i notice he is pooing. then i continue to pack and do whatever in my plan.

this naughty boy, pull all the pillows into his cage and sit on them. gosh.. he poo at his diaper.. i quickly clean him up. is always hard to clean him that's why i have always scare of he poo at his diaper. he can't stay still it makes it so difficult to clean him. as usual he keeps moving when i clean him this time. it means it takes me longer to clean him. yet i am in a rush to keep in plan to get ready to leave in time.

after cleaning him i quickly prepare the kiwi fruit for his fruit feed. guess what? while i was cutting the kiwi, he walk to the kitchen with his favourite toy, the knock knock rattle. he detached the cage wall and escape. there i got to stop what i am doing and settle him. i put him at his playpen this time. actually before i went to prepare his kiwi fruit he already detached the wall once. i just put him in after cleaning him and he straight away detached the cage's wall.

i was running late due to those unforeseen incident. ian eat kiwi very slow (this is the new food we introduced). i suddenly thought of playing some movie from youtube for him while he eat and watch, i can run around to do something else. i got this idea as ian was staring at my laptop from his chair when i feed him kiwi. i chose pokoyo. he is enjoying. he also ate quite fast compare to usual. at least he did not resist as kiwi is sour, usually he kind of resist it a bit.

eventually i manage to get back in my plan and we manage to leave before 7pm, even earlier that the previous time even though papa actually reach home later this time.

feed ian sausage to keep him awake for the first part of the journey. learn from previous experience to avoid ian from staying too awake till late at night. for the whole day we have planned and controlled ian's nap to cater for his nap in the car on the way back. it went smoothly. it did not take too long for ian to fall asleep. but then i still fall asleep before him. poor papa is the one again that put ian to sleep. it have been a tired day for me. to keep ian awake in the car. i did not nap as well.

everything went well except for ian throw out during his night feed. don't know is it due to the travelling. eat and travel. we travel right after ian's dinner feed. feed sausage in the car. before dinner feed and bath, was his kiwi fruit feed. all the feed. hmm... don't know what happen. can't answer. he looks well so we didn't bother much.

saturday... surprisingly that we did not went for any shopping at all. usually we will surely go to either tesco or carrefour. but for this trip we totally did not. papa blame it on the rain. it rains for the whole day. that's why i chose this as the title. we wake up slightly late in the morning. but yet papa still wants to go for the buffet breakfast in renaissance hotel. we ended up only has 30 minutes before the buffet line is closed.

after that, we drop by at poh poh's (mama's mum) house. then, back home for ian's lunch. since ian did not nap in the morning, he has to nap earlier in the afternoon. is raining, what a nice nap. we plan to wake up earlier to go to temple and may be shopping. but since is such a nice nap, we ended wake up late and therefore no shopping for this trip.

we went to temple to pray and get a blessing bangle for ian. since we will be going to singapore and it happen to be chinese 7th month, therefore we prefer to pray and get ian some blessing/protection. i always feel that babies/kids looks cute with the bangle. ian looks cute with that too. can't help it. took few shots of it. hard to take as ian move so much. these are the best i could get. papa will surely say mama is crazy. haha..

poh poh is vegetarian from thursday till tuesday as promised due to some wishes she made. but then we wanted to go for a dinner to celebrate her coming birthday on 28th july. so, we will have dinner at vegetarian restaurant. don't know what happen, we got to go from 1 restaurant to another. the first, they are closed as they have some internal dinner. the second, full house as they have functions. we ended up go to a not so good in look restaurant but somehow the food taste good. pour ian was so hungry. when i took out the thermos he is jumping happy for it. he finish up fast as well. bet you can really tell how hungry he is. is around 1 and the half hour pass his meal time. there goes, the simple celebration dinner. no cakes since vegetarian.

sunday... we only go shopping when we are back in usj.

tiring weekend. is always tired each time we go back to melaka. time flies. there you are packing to go back then you are back unpacking...

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