Dec 22, 2008

sad weekend...

mama's blood test report not really good. more poor readings compare to usual. recommended to take multi-vitamins and cranberry juice. papa's sore throat turn to cough.

had breakfast at appolo. ian had smash potato for breakfast. mama found that is easier to smash if steam it compare to bake. ian slept on the way to mid valley. did a quick shop and left. wake ian up when going into car as he already nap around 1 hour.

went to oug. had nam heong chicken rice for lunch. shop at parkson. let ian walk around for a while. we left around 3pm. ian nap in the car. mama waken ian up when carry him to bed. can't sleep back. but already after 4pm. mama too tired. took a nap. papa said he want to go sunway pyramid while shopping in oug but mama is too retired. after the nap mama give in and agree to go.

papa suggest to have dinner at pelita but then seh ku suggest to have clay pot chicken rice at appolo since very long never eat already. it rains. mama suggest to go straight to sunway pyramid but papa said is ok. waited very long. ian as usual non stop digging the table, chair, pushing, beating. we usually leave him and only clean him up in the car. mama was shock to see ian hurt his injured finger. bet must be due to he dig the table. really feel sorry and sad looking at his finger.

launch complain at maxis center. very long queue. ian is making lots of noise. mama suddenly notice he put his injured finger into his mouth. he really keep hurting it. we shop around for a while and went home. when applying cream on ian's injured finger notice the change in colour. before this his finger's colour kind of getting back to normal but now is getting worst. really feel heartache.

feed ian tofu with pork. dice the pork instead of minced it to let ian try to chew. he can chew quite well but as usual, slow. he make noise while eating. thought he is lazy to chew as is quite normal for him but suddenly feel that his body is very hot. took his temperature and the reading is 38+. ian never have reading this high before. he make lots of noise. the only way he feel happy is walking around. after a while, when i try to apply cream for him, notice he hurt his finger again. it bleeds. really sad and heartache looking at it. instead of getting better is getting worst. how can i help him?

give him less porridge for lunch but he makes noise and take very long to finish. bath him after that. feed him some medicine and soon he fall asleep. he looks tired and uncomfortable but he woke up so early. is only 3+. try to put him back to sleep as we want him to rest but fail. glad that his temperature drop to below 38.

went out to ta pau bak kut teh. again ian take very long to finish his porridge. bath him. after that, give him medicine as his temperature went up high to 38+ again. he soon fall a sleep.

don't know why ian got fever. lucky his temperature went back to below 37.5. dr said above 37.5 is consider fever. but he is still a bit cranky.

his finger is really sad case. looking at the colour it turns to, can conclude that it really get worst. really feel sad about it. how i wish i could take over the injuries from him. i really feel helpless. only thing i could do is pray besides applying cream frequently for him which really hope can help him. is really sad looking at it gets better and suddenly get worst. if only we did not went out on saturday night. is all my fault. did not watch him and let him injured his finger and now again did not watch him and let his finger get worsen. all my hard work since he 1st injured his finger gone. have been watching him closely and keep applying cream for him hoping he will get well soon and is only 1 saturday night they all gone. really sad and heartache,

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