Jan 19, 2009

amazing nap...

on friday, it take quite a while for ian to get to nap (longer than usual). finally, he nap. after 15 minutes, he start to flip here and there. usually i don't attend to him immediately. will let him try to get settled on his own. after a while i felt i need to help him. to my surprise, he had already waken up. i tried to pat him back to sleep. after long enough of patting. he still couldn't get to sleep. when i try to peep whether he had fallen a sleep, he smile. naughty boy.

he only nap 15 minutes. how to last till his usual sleeping time at night? so, everything has to be fast. after his dinner feed, seh ku already back while i feeding ian. quickly cook and we manage to went up 30 minutes earlier. after i mop and change him, he looks fine playing with his peg puzzle. so i quickly take my shower. during that, ian start to make noise. too bad that when i was done, he already look so sleepy. papa reach home. ian already falling asleep. so, no choice we have to skip his night milk feed and let him sleep.

actually it consider great as he only nap 15 minutes and only fall asleep at 8 something at night.

we were prepared for ian to wake up middle of the night. may be due to hungry. he only wake up around 3 something in the morning. it consider not bad from 8 something to 3 something. feed him some milk and put him back to sleep.

bet this is so far ian's best record. hehe..

on saturday, as usual we go for our shop for ian's vege at mid valley. papa said not to let ian nap on the way to mid valley. we did a quick shop. had lunch. shop a while at isetan as seh ku got 2 rm10 vouchers from her purchase. we bought a pair of pants for ian. then we head home. ian nap on the way home. already 2 plus. he continue to nap when we reach home. he did open his eyes when i carry him in. i give him his tutu and he get back to sleep. he eventually nap till after 4.30. we have to wake him up.

sometimes is so weird that 1 day he only nap a short while and another day he can nap for so long. never understand.

on sunday, he nap from 1 plus till 3 plus. actually consider usual but not enough for us. he wake up too early we haven't got enough of our nap.

short summary on the rest of the weekend:
went to giant, newly opened on 15th at putra heights on saturday night. wanted to look around only eventually we bought up to rm100 plus. crazy..

let ian tried bi hun kuey on sunday. as usual, ian is always not adventurous with food. he don't really like it. took a bit and start to make noise. tried very hard to make him eat more till i finally give up.

went to carrefour, newly opened on 15th as well at usj on sunday evening. just a small place. nothing much. walk 1 round and we left.

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