Mar 30, 2009

the opposite of fun after a day of fun...

this incident clearly reminds us the feeling we had back in 2 years...

[flash back...]
"... we were so happy after ian was borned. after mama had a good rest, ee po, seh ku and ta ku drop by to visit us (ian and mama) at sunway. everyone were so happy to meet ian for the 1st time. mama requested to breast feed ian whenever ian need to be fed, although mama is tired. the next day, mama's colleague drop by for a visit. again, everyone were so happy. but then the bad news came. ian was tested to be g6pd deficient. tears coming down, feeling sorry, blaming myself, everything you can name, there it is...

on that 2nd night after breast fed ian, he fall asleep beside mama. so sweet to have such moment together. looking at ian dearly. then the morning came and ian has hit a very high jaundice reading. he has to be retained until the reading stable. usually babies with g6pd deficient will have to be retained for a week. 1 WEEK! the feeling and emotion went all crazy. seeing people discharge happily with their baby and yet we went home on our own leaving ian behind...

every night we pay him a visit. looking at him getting more and more exhausted due to the ultra lights really tear our heart into pieces. sometimes he don't even open his eyes when we visit him. really feel sooo... sorry for him..."

that's the 1st encounter of being happy today and totally up side down the next day...

ian woke up in the middle of the night after the day out celebration for he turned 2. but not very uncommon for him to wake up like this. the next day, papa have to leave early for meeting. mama continue to rest with ian after papa left. when time to wake ian up, mama felt that his body is very warm. thinking could be due to the weather. took his temperature. is slightly higher. he looks normal while playing but suddenly he turned slow. request for his pacifier and wanted to nap. not even 11. quickly feed him but he refuse to eat. no choice but to let him nap 1st.

he woke up around 1. his reading consider fever. give him some milk and give him paracetamol. soon he fall asleep again. we switch the cleaning lady day to thursday since we have plan yesterday. while she cleaning, found that ian's reading really very high. actually we plan to wait till seh ku after work to let dr deng check ian but we are so worry. seh ku came back and we bring ian to visit dr liew. it rains so heavy but we have to go as dr liew closing at 4.

there is no parking. mama know that seh ku will not be able to handle ian at this time. no choice but to double park infront of the clinic. the moment mama step in, heard ian's cry. it makes mama's heart breaks. dr have to insert voltaren for ian to bring down his reading. nothing seems wrong after dr check ian. so dr took his blood to test. ian cried so badly for that 2 incident. mama's tears just fell down uncontrolled. dr said that ian's white blood cell count is a bit high he suggest to get ian admitted so that he can get his antibiotic to control the virus attack. gosh! admitted! sound scary.

at a 1st thought we did feel that dr liew might have been over reacted. but then not to feel sorry later on, we get ian admitted to sunway. mama get home to pack whatever necessary. seh ku request to go off. papa on his way to sunway. on our way there, ian looks as his normal self. happily enjoying his corn flakes. mama feed him milk when we reach there while waiting for dr to examine him. so glad that he finish his 4oz of milk. bet his appetite was badly affected by his fever.

ian was curious with his surrounding. but he did not make a fuss. he is kind of fobia with all those examine. so hard to take his temperature. they are using those armpit type. then there come the heart breaking part again. they need to insert the tiub at ian's hand for the antibiotic to be transmitted into ian's body. so heart ache seeing him crying so badly. not only that he seems to freak out notice that his hand with the tiub. his hand was being fully bandage where he can only move a few of his fingers. poor boy. mama also had that when giving birth to him. it is definitely uncomfortable. we have to keep watching him to avoid him to mess up with that. worry that it will hurt him as that's what happen to mama. mama's hand went swollen due to too much movement (must be the tiub).

we waited for a while before we were directed to the room. papa picked a double bedded room (mama also had that after delivered ian). currently there is no one yet. mop ian and change him to long pants in case cold. but we do not have a suitable shirt for him at that moment yet. need to put him on button shirt due to his hand.

they wanted to get ian's urine for test. is really so hard but yet is funny during the process of collecting it. is a small bag to be place at ian's penis to collect his urine. we whistle and whistle but there is no output. eventually there is some and so worry that it will split out mama carry ian up into standing position. there ian pee a lot more. the bag is full. hehe..

soon the nurse came and put ian on his antibiotic stream. she said that it should take about an hour. after we see him being comfortable (watching tv - lucky there is disney channel to keep ian happy. especially mr. bean), we left him there with seh ku. papa went to ta pau dinner for us while mama went home to heat up ian's porridge and pack whatever need for both ian and herself.

when we reach sunway, ian had fallen asleep. we let him nap a while. while waiting, mama took her shower. then we woke ian up to feed him porridge. he eat rather slow but glad that he actually finish them. papa and seh ku eventually left. mama accompanied ian to read books, watch tv and also play puzzle. actually come to think of it, you can really find some beauty out of any blues. although getting ian admitted is something sad but looking at the quality time we could spend with him especially mama, is really a beauty. that's what mama told papa.

(look, that's what on his hand that made him uncomfortable...)

(he still looks cute... he is always our cute boy...)

this busy body boy, could also due to the nap he got just now. although you can tell that he did try to sleep but he can easily get attracted by very tiny piece of noise. is almost 12. eventually some one get admitted to the next bed. hmm.. that little boy was making lots of fuss about the drip they put on him. in mama's heart, was thinking that lucky ian manage to avoid that otherwise he could be ended up like that little boy. dr ordered for the drip but we already explain to dr that he did eat. he even saw that ian finish his milk. we even discuss about the need of the drip and he also agree that as long as ian did eat, he will not need the drip. funny...

the fun part came. ian at 1st before the little boy came in was a bit not comfortable. at least that's what mama felt. he sense the difference. especially his hand. is a bit quiet so he was easily get attracted by any noise. but after the little boy came in, he is so busy paying attention to the fuss he made. the little boy keep exclaimed for "mm moi" (don't want in cantonese). don't want the drip. ian is so cute. he will turn to look at the direction of the next bed (we have curtain fully covered our area) and then turn to mama and smile. he repeat these many times. busy body boy. but also thank to this little boy, ian get occupied and soon he felt tired and fall asleep after 12.

in the middle of the night, nurse came in and wanted to take ian's temperature. but looking at the time, ian just slept not long so mama requested to take later. not long after that ian start to flip (move). more to like not sleeping well. mama notice that his body is a bit warm. went to turn the air-con cooler. after a while he is still warm. so, mama press the bell for assistant. the nurse came and mama requested to take ian's temperature. we manage to take without actually wake ian up (he is sleeping sideway. the thermometer can easily put under his armpit).

gosh! his reading went up to 39+. nurse insert voltaren for ian. of course ian cried. but soon he fall back to sleep and eventually he manage to sleep well judging from he did not flip (move) much. his body also not so warm. bet mama must be tired and was so sound asleep. only woke up when the nurse wake her up. for the entire night, mama was very alert. need to make sure that ian did not hurt or mess up with his bandage hand. he actually did try to touch unconsiously. so, mama surely notice when any nurse came into the room. the nurse took ian's temperature and glad that it went back to normal. you know, eventually ian manage to make use of his bandage hand. even only with few moving fingers. he could pick up his pacifier and also his puzzle...

mama feed ian some milk in the morning but close to the end he threw out. mama was not paying attention to him as someone came in to check on the food for the day. then papa came in. after cleaning up, we top him up with some tiger biscuits. dr came in and say that he can't find any specific problem with ian. his urine test was ok just that they detected that his sugar level is a bit higher than the normal reading. not to the extend of diabetes but is normal for the body to react this way when you are down with some virus. as long as his temperature did not shoot up again then he can discharge but earliest will only be evening. so we plan to go back to melaka at night after ian discharge.

they need ian's urine for test again. but this time the nurse allow ian to have his diaper on with the bag in is diaper. confusing... really fail to get ian to pee. eventually we gave up as he is falling asleep. mama went home to pack things while papa stay to accompany ian. papa ta pau chicken porridge for ian. he feed him after he woke up while mama not around. when mama is back, papa said that ian refuse to eat the porridge. so mama made him some cereal. he do not really want too. ian haven't pee yet. while making him eat his cereal he show sign to poo. gosh! he haven't pee but need to poo (at the toilet bowl). really make us "kelam kabut". but lucky that he will usually pee when he try to poo. especially hard ones. there it goes, his urine into the bag and done. ian did not poo for the entire day so is a bit hard and there is some blood when mama clean him. after his business, he don't really want to take his cereal so there again, tiger biscuits. so, papa finish up ian's porridge [update: our guess, this is how papa got his HFMD later].

papa went home and rest. ian took his nap. while ian having his nap, mama suddenly notice some white spot inside his mouth (bottom of his lower lips). mama was chilled. the thought of hand foot mouth diseases came to mind. got so worry. as that could be the reason why ian refuse to eat today. papa came and we waited for dr to come. we told him ian's ulcer. he check and found there are also some white spot near his throat. dr said it could be HFMD but it should be a mild one. so, not to worry. we just need to keep him monitored. dr claim that he will lost his appitide few days and as long as he wants to eat, give him whatever he wants. he recommended cooling food like ice-cream and jelly. but too bad that ian haven't tried on both. it will be hard to introduce new food to him at his current stage. so heartache looking at him crying so badly. especially when he so wanted to eat his favourite corn flakes but once he put into his mouth he started crying. gosh! how and why could this happen to him? so sorry and sad...

dr transmit 1 more round of antibiotic to ian before he discharge. mama felt that his body gets warm. might be due to his crying. get nurse to get his temperature. it was quite high and again they have to insert voltaren to bring down his reading. it always take so long to get discharge in sunway. the same thing when mama discharge after giving birth to ian. finally we paid, collect the medication and went home. get everything pack into the car and we head back to melaka.

on the way, mama tried to let ian drink his milk from his straw tumbler but he refuse. eventually got to use back the normal way - milk bottle. lucky that he slowly finish up his 2oz of milk. he took a nap after that.

that's the long story of ian's sad incident. back in melaka, were mainly on our battle on getting him eat. at least eat something. we tried jelly (his milk made into jelly). at 1st was ok later on he refuse. it make us so upset and papa and mama actually had lots of argument due to that. actually they are all due to misunderstand and also our concern and worry about ian. the jelly story was even brought back when we are back home in usj. tried with yogurt, all the way to make him eat.

ian's hand and foot started to grow spot on saturday. we called dr to get assurance. again, dr said we just have to monitor him. he claim that is just a mild one.

back in usj, in the evening, we bought pandan layer cakes for ian. since is it cooling and soft. so glad that ian willing to take them. and there the story goes on...

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