Mar 30, 2009

ulcer - day 4...

4th day since ian's ulcer appeared on friday. after a big fuss papa and mama had early this morning (pass 12 mid night), we woke ian up and he ate some cake (pandan layer cake - chilled) and drank 1 oz of milk (chilled). took his medicine. get mop and change, then rest. he cry in the middle of his sleep for twice. around 1 hour each time after he sleep. but lucky after that he sleep through till morning. papa said he did woke up for a while around 7 something but he slept back on his own.

let him sleep till he woke up on his own around 10.30. feed him cakes again (more). he willingly finish them up. tried giving him 2 oz of milk. he resist a bit in the middle of his feed but manage to make him continue and eventually left only a bit. feed him last round of his antibiotic (3 days course). mop him and change him. during this process, he start walking around. show a good sign.

he walk and play around. looks fine. just that he make noise for requesting for his pacifier. he has less saliva but not with his pacifier so mama refuse to give him. in case he wanted to nap so, mama steam egg and feed him around 1 something. ian eventually poo. since he did not eat much, so he did not poo for 2 days. he last poo on friday while he is at sunway medical. he finish his steam egg with some resistance.

then put him to bed. he take some time to fall asleep. don't know what happen after about an hour of nap he suddenly cried badly. manage to calm him but once put him back to bed he started crying again. eventually turn on the tv for him. let him lie down to watch and there he start to cry again. lucky that is so happen it shows "danny and daddy" he laugh. so put him at his playpen to watch tv - is showing "jojo and circus".

he finish up 2 oz milk of course with some fuss (worst than this morning). top up with 2 pieces of tiger biscuit. later feed him smashed papaya (chilled). then bathing time. he make noise after putting him at his playpen after bath. mama's guess is he wants his pacifier. don't bother and finally feeding time. feed him cereal (let it cool off before feed). he finish it although not much. when seh ku is back, feed him calciyum grape flavour yogurt (chilled). he refuse to eat but eventually finish it.

he started to make noise when he start to walk. what again? pacifier, his buddy. no choice to give it to him. he looks tired after walking for a while so we went up around 8pm. he seems to want to nap. so, mop and change him. soon he really fall asleep.

he sleep through till around 1am. feed him pandan layer cake (chilled) and 2 oz milk (chilled). he seems to finish his milk more willingly. no fuss. took him long to get back to sleep although you can see that he did try. really have to get his time adjusted back...

so, he seems to get better today. hope he will recover soon...

however, found that there are more spots on his hands and feet. especially all on his finger tips. wonder does they itch. sometimes notice that he actually rubbing his fingers among fingers. even catch him biting his fingers. weird part is that we saw some spot on his ears (around 2 each ear). but according to article it does not mention about ear. just in case that it 2 in 1. meaning having chicken pox as well. but then there is no spot on his body at all. since ian has his vaccine, it could be a mild one. so checked with poh poh and she said that only extra thing to watch is food - no colour food like soya sauce, no beans and cucumber. so no french bean and peas for ian for 100 days...

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