Apr 10, 2009

messy, messy...

yesterday was a messy day. messy in various way...

start off with ian's sleep. he woke up very early in the morning around 6+. papa said he actually thought ian fall back to sleep around 7+ but once he leave him alone he heard him giggling. i tease papa that ian must have giggle because he manage to trick papa (pretend sleeping)...

due to that mama had already prepared to let ian have his nap earlier. he somehow poo early around 10+. then feed him early. he also somehow finish up his porridge fast. good boy! quickly finish up what need to be done. just before having mama's lunch, notice ian was staring at one corner and smiling (he is watching tv on his car seat). took at look at him and ask him whether he is ok. he turn to look over and give a smile. another moment, when mama turn to look at him, he shut his eyes already.

gosh! mama quickly put him into his playpen while preparing his mattress. put him to his mattress and feed him his cough mixture. ya. ian still haven't recover. still having running nose, cough and heard of phlegm. poor boy. luckily he took his medicine. he took it in his sleep. there he continue to sleep through. is not even 12. but is almost 12 up to around 2.40. he did almost woke up around 2 but mama lie down with and soon he fall back to sleep.

that's about the 1st mess... we are having some problem with maxis broadband billing. we uses diners auto billing to pay it. they somehow charge us some amount through our card but not reflected in the maxis bill. we refuse to pay and yet they refuse to revert. so there some huh hah with diners people. they have been calling, passing from 1 person in charge to another making mama confuse with all the names taken.

this lady called in the morning. while she talk ian showed sign he wants to poo. ya. around 10+. so i ask her to call back later and attend to ian. lucky that mama manage to escape. ian hasn't poo yet. so he manage to do his business in his potty. later she called again while ian is sleeping. no problem this round. then she called again right after ian woke up. while trying hard to explain and argue with her. there ian having fun with... the moment mama hang up the call, a very strong smell of ian's "yee yu" appeared. gosh! ian open it and pour everything out onto his car seat.

mama was so upset. beat him, called papa to complain. what a mess! after calm down, actually mama should be blamed. should have kept ian's stuff. actually mama did keep an eye and notice ian was playing with his puzzle. never know that while at the peak of the argument, which was when ian was not in sight, there he did his business. so, next time, never give chance. to be safe always keep them up. this will avoid having such problem.

actually part of the upset is because the "yee yu" is finishing. haven't found the spare one that we bought some time ago. thinking of it should last till weekend so that mama will have the time to look for it. but lucky mama suddenly recalled where it was and true enough it was there. so no problem. that's why we always practise having a spare as you won't know when accident will happen...

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