Apr 10, 2009

self feeding...

have been started to play bowl, spoon and cup with ian since this monday. instead of reading him books, which he already find it boring. will hold his hand to hold the spoon with his another hand holding the bowl. it goes.. "stir, stir, stir, scope, amm...". later follow by drinking water from his cup. just a little bit of water.

yesterday, ian had grapes. mama thought of it. so, let him had the feel of really eat something (self feed with guide). put a piece of grape on the spoon and place it in the bowl. then hold his hand to hold the spoon with his another hand holding the bowl. feed the grape into his mouth. mama start off with few spoon then let him initiate later on. which means, mama only hold his hand to make sure the spoon is in possible. action of putting into this mouth will be by him.

today, eating grapes again. mama tried to go more from yesterday. leaving the spoon with the grape in the bowl. hold one of his hand to hold the bowl and let him initiate to grap the spoon. he did! yay! but the spoon ought to be out of position. mama have to fix it.

there are some fun scene of it. ian is too rough. he attempt to grap the spoon to hard till the grape flew away. once it drop off to the floor. another time which the fun part, it flew up and drop back down to the bowl. isn't it fun? haha..

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