Jun 24, 2009

water play in school...

every tuesday in school, ian's class will have swimming session. those kids that their parents do not allow them to go for swimming, teacher will let them have water play session.

we are definitely willing to let ian go for swimming. we even bought his swimsuit on saturday. but after some thought, papa decide to put that on hold 1st. why? because ian do not really follow instruction and we spotted that the pool is quite deep so we told teacher may be later on only we allow him to join the swimming session.

mama prepare his stuff for water play as instructed. also put some biscuits in his bag because is common to be hungry after swimming and we saw those kids actually bring some biscuits to share last tuesday.

mama was late to pick ian up. late as in not as early as monday and last week. but is still early because ian's class only ends at 11.45. mama had some discussion and only left to pick him up around 11.35.

the moment mama reach his class, saw all the kids were having fun enjoying their biscuits sitting down. of course mama did not spot ian in any of the chair. those kids will usually sit along the path near the door getting ready for their parents to pick them up. mama peep in a bit and there she saw ian. 1st thing she spotted ian's mouth full with biscuits. ooo... then look further down, ian's tummy bolted. aiyoo... eat till so full how to eat porridge leh? haiya... but she can really tell that he is enjoying himself. happy to see that...

the teacher told mama that ian really have fun. enjoy his water play so much. he get his body all wet. his hair also all wet. even screaming when they put him in shower. ya. we all knew how that was. the teacher keep telling mama to let him go to the pool next week since he enjoys so much. she claim that she will be there to help to watch him. so, it should be fine. let him have fun... when mama check ian's bag for his stuff, the moment he spotted the container with his biscuits he reach for it. haiya... the whole mouth is still full there he wants some more. no more. got to eat porridge when he get home already...

the moment we reach home, mama called papa to share the story. so let papa decide whether to let him go to the pool next week. looking at ian, can really tell that he really have fun. so, mama decided not to go to pick him up so early next time. actually is kind of distracting. ian will not bother with mama's present but the rest of the kids do. will only go around this time, 11.30, 11.35.

may be because of his happy mood, mama felt that he just look a bit different. even seh ku also commented on that (before mama share her thoughts). seh ku took some shoots last night. look different? or may be he is just happy...

how about papa? does he have the same thought? no. papa was not in the mood. why? poor papa's car was being break in by bad people. really. lots of bad people around. sad. they spoilt the car alarm and stole the player. even breaks the casing because they wanted to took out the player. really sad. although this is our old car and we really did not bother to keep its appearance but it is still good internally. so far not much problem and is almost a 10 years car. really heartache seeing it like this. we don't intend to sell it but in future we won't know. hai... really sad case for things like that to happen. anyway, should be thankful that nothing worst happen. really can't believe with the alarm triggered (papa said that's what he see when he gets to the car) yet there is no one spotted anything and still can let that fellow stole off the player. hai...

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