Feb 25, 2010

farewell "school"...

today is the last day for ian to attend his current school (realkids). monday onwards he will go to brainchild. mama will surely miss walking ian to and back from school. nevermind, probably we shall have an evening walk session later. although ian is the one that will be leaving his school but somehow mama really feel missing it. weird. we pack some junks for ian to share with his friends in school.

mama bought along the camera to school when she send ian to school in the morning just in case. but looking at his teacher is busy so mama decided to take photos only after his class but while talking to his teacher mama notice ian was sitting at the table playing with the toys happily so she can't help it but to take a shot after asking his teacher's permission. guess what happen? ian make a grumble sound and move away from the table. mama has to walk around with him to snap some photos. this boy... never like to take photos...

(look! this is the first nice one that mama took. agree that mama can't resist from taking it?)

back home mama try to open this blog. mama have not update it for a long time and the current post was water play in school.... scroll a little bit lower and saw posts of ian first going to school. time really flies. have been more than half a year and today is ian's last day. so mama decided to post today's post up today.

later when mama pick ian from school - went there a bit earlier to talk to his teacher and take photos. nothing much from his teacher and there we took some photos. as usual ian was not very cooperative in taking photos. but that curious boy keep coming to peep at the camera preview. mama always share the shot taken with him after each shot.

what surprise mama was ian actually end up teary. don't know is because mama is busy talking to his teacher and did not bother him or he wanted to go home and wonder why today mama did not bring him home yet and still talking to his teacher. or could it be he actually knew that is his last day? he was so happy in the morning when he get into his class. with all smile. actually ian have been happy all these while going to school. but we just have to give him a change for good. hoping it will help him progress. hope he will also enjoy schooling in his new school.

bye to everyone. blow kisses and he gave his teacher a hug and then we went off. we actually plan to drop by his ex-classmates' class (4 year old class) to bid farewell but we are too early and they haven't dismiss yet. also the "kakak" that always help out with ian last year was not around. mama saw her sending off a kid with another auntie when mama get to the school. sad that ian couldn't get a chance to bid farewell to them. can't believe that's all. how fast it is to say bye and off we go. then mama see ian happily running home.

this tune has always being sang and played when mama pick ian's up from his class...
"ding dong bell
ding dong bell
we are going home
good bye teacher good bye friends
see you tomorrow"
(sing with jingle bells melody...)

bet today we can't sing this. usually mama will also teach ian to say "bye and see you tomorrow" or "see you on.. (a day if tomorrow is not schooling)". but today it has to be "bye and see you some day".. how sad right?... but that's life...

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