Feb 25, 2010

farewell "school"...

today is the last day for ian to attend his current school (realkids). monday onwards he will go to brainchild. mama will surely miss walking ian to and back from school. nevermind, probably we shall have an evening walk session later. although ian is the one that will be leaving his school but somehow mama really feel missing it. weird. we pack some junks for ian to share with his friends in school.

mama bought along the camera to school when she send ian to school in the morning just in case. but looking at his teacher is busy so mama decided to take photos only after his class but while talking to his teacher mama notice ian was sitting at the table playing with the toys happily so she can't help it but to take a shot after asking his teacher's permission. guess what happen? ian make a grumble sound and move away from the table. mama has to walk around with him to snap some photos. this boy... never like to take photos...

(look! this is the first nice one that mama took. agree that mama can't resist from taking it?)

back home mama try to open this blog. mama have not update it for a long time and the current post was water play in school.... scroll a little bit lower and saw posts of ian first going to school. time really flies. have been more than half a year and today is ian's last day. so mama decided to post today's post up today.

later when mama pick ian from school - went there a bit earlier to talk to his teacher and take photos. nothing much from his teacher and there we took some photos. as usual ian was not very cooperative in taking photos. but that curious boy keep coming to peep at the camera preview. mama always share the shot taken with him after each shot.

what surprise mama was ian actually end up teary. don't know is because mama is busy talking to his teacher and did not bother him or he wanted to go home and wonder why today mama did not bring him home yet and still talking to his teacher. or could it be he actually knew that is his last day? he was so happy in the morning when he get into his class. with all smile. actually ian have been happy all these while going to school. but we just have to give him a change for good. hoping it will help him progress. hope he will also enjoy schooling in his new school.

bye to everyone. blow kisses and he gave his teacher a hug and then we went off. we actually plan to drop by his ex-classmates' class (4 year old class) to bid farewell but we are too early and they haven't dismiss yet. also the "kakak" that always help out with ian last year was not around. mama saw her sending off a kid with another auntie when mama get to the school. sad that ian couldn't get a chance to bid farewell to them. can't believe that's all. how fast it is to say bye and off we go. then mama see ian happily running home.

this tune has always being sang and played when mama pick ian's up from his class...
"ding dong bell
ding dong bell
we are going home
good bye teacher good bye friends
see you tomorrow"
(sing with jingle bells melody...)

bet today we can't sing this. usually mama will also teach ian to say "bye and see you tomorrow" or "see you on.. (a day if tomorrow is not schooling)". but today it has to be "bye and see you some day".. how sad right?... but that's life...

Jun 24, 2009

water play in school...

every tuesday in school, ian's class will have swimming session. those kids that their parents do not allow them to go for swimming, teacher will let them have water play session.

we are definitely willing to let ian go for swimming. we even bought his swimsuit on saturday. but after some thought, papa decide to put that on hold 1st. why? because ian do not really follow instruction and we spotted that the pool is quite deep so we told teacher may be later on only we allow him to join the swimming session.

mama prepare his stuff for water play as instructed. also put some biscuits in his bag because is common to be hungry after swimming and we saw those kids actually bring some biscuits to share last tuesday.

mama was late to pick ian up. late as in not as early as monday and last week. but is still early because ian's class only ends at 11.45. mama had some discussion and only left to pick him up around 11.35.

the moment mama reach his class, saw all the kids were having fun enjoying their biscuits sitting down. of course mama did not spot ian in any of the chair. those kids will usually sit along the path near the door getting ready for their parents to pick them up. mama peep in a bit and there she saw ian. 1st thing she spotted ian's mouth full with biscuits. ooo... then look further down, ian's tummy bolted. aiyoo... eat till so full how to eat porridge leh? haiya... but she can really tell that he is enjoying himself. happy to see that...

the teacher told mama that ian really have fun. enjoy his water play so much. he get his body all wet. his hair also all wet. even screaming when they put him in shower. ya. we all knew how that was. the teacher keep telling mama to let him go to the pool next week since he enjoys so much. she claim that she will be there to help to watch him. so, it should be fine. let him have fun... when mama check ian's bag for his stuff, the moment he spotted the container with his biscuits he reach for it. haiya... the whole mouth is still full there he wants some more. no more. got to eat porridge when he get home already...

the moment we reach home, mama called papa to share the story. so let papa decide whether to let him go to the pool next week. looking at ian, can really tell that he really have fun. so, mama decided not to go to pick him up so early next time. actually is kind of distracting. ian will not bother with mama's present but the rest of the kids do. will only go around this time, 11.30, 11.35.

may be because of his happy mood, mama felt that he just look a bit different. even seh ku also commented on that (before mama share her thoughts). seh ku took some shoots last night. look different? or may be he is just happy...

how about papa? does he have the same thought? no. papa was not in the mood. why? poor papa's car was being break in by bad people. really. lots of bad people around. sad. they spoilt the car alarm and stole the player. even breaks the casing because they wanted to took out the player. really sad. although this is our old car and we really did not bother to keep its appearance but it is still good internally. so far not much problem and is almost a 10 years car. really heartache seeing it like this. we don't intend to sell it but in future we won't know. hai... really sad case for things like that to happen. anyway, should be thankful that nothing worst happen. really can't believe with the alarm triggered (papa said that's what he see when he gets to the car) yet there is no one spotted anything and still can let that fellow stole off the player. hai...

Jun 19, 2009

4th day in school - sports wear...

ian will have to wear sports wear to school every tuesday and thursday. tuesday for swimming and or gym and thursday for gym. so this is the 1st time ian wear his sports wear. that a look...

(papa commented that it looks like girl dress. the pants is a bit flare. looks like skirt and yet is red in colour...)

ya. is over sized. but the t-shirt for 's' is just too small. but this is what mama had tried her best to work it out. it looks not that bad after all. wonder what type of gym they will do... hmm...

(hehe.. look at his protesting look! protest that mama took so much photo lately. ya. we took a lot lately since he started school. something to remember right? our ian start going to school...)

3rd day in school - 1st uniform...

we had officially enrolled ian yesterday. mama had washed and dried his uniform. great! uniform with lots of buttons. mama double sew all the buttons on it. then found that 1 of the button is missing from 1 of his uniform. somehow, although both his uniform and sports wear are the same size, 's' but the sports wear t-shirt is much smaller. we can see his tummy sticking out when we try it on him.

mama manage to get both change. uniform to another set with all the buttons and sports wear to 'm' size. hehe.. sorry that mama actually lied about mama haven't wash them. but the 'm' size is so much bigger compare to the 's' but is almost the same as the uniform. mama quickly get them washed and hope that they will dry in time by the time the cleaning lady is here. while hanging, mama notice that there is a small hole at his sports wear pants. haiya.. not again! but mama eventually decided to just sew them herself. next time if ian really going to continue to study there and need to get new size of the uniform, mama will make sure to check them thoroughly...

ok. finish with the uniform story. ya. this is indeed ian's 1st uniform. the tumble tots' is only a t-shirt. take a look.

cool right? although is red but as mama's said before ian will look good in any colour. so, is she right? hehe..

mama had a short chat with the teacher. inform her about ian's is g6pd deficiency. to mama's surprise the teacher actually never heard of it before. the office lady also the same when mama told her about it yesterday when she enroll ian. just to get them to watch out of stuff that ian has to avoid. also told the teacher to keep an eye on ian as he don't speak we might not know what happen to him. like what papa saw yesterday when ian playing the slide. he actually tried to do a stunt by sliding down on his tummy with head down 1st. hai.. so dangerous and no teacher saw that actually. just hope they can keep an eye on him. also his habbit in biting his buttons.

mama went early to try to have a look at how's ian doing. saw that some kids were doing some colouring. of course ian was playing. but he actually walk over to peep what they are doing. when 1 of the kid is not there, he went and flip his drawing. mama was there worrying that he might tear the drawing. lucky nothing happen. hehe..

at 1 point mama lost her sight on ian. then suddenly saw him slowly appearing from under the table. ohh.. no.. from his face expression, mama know that he poo.. mama is so right. when the teacher pass ian to her and when mama help to wear shoes for him, mama check and bingo! but nevermind la. we are going back already. ian somehow walk very slowly home. hehe.. may be he is afraid that the poo will overflow.

so, mama bath him 1st this time after cleaning him up. then only feed him porridge. since ian go to school he gets to nap around 1 (earlier) and only wakes up (mama have to wake him up) after 3. he must be really tired. wake up early, use up all the energy in school, so this is what we get. but we just can't let him nap till too late and too long otherwise he won't be able to get to sleep early at night. so, everything indeed a rush for mama. only about an hour to get everything done. but so far still surviving...

a bit more story of the uniform. uhh.. so much sewing to do. mama have been long enough not doing such job. but still not too bad looking at the end result. mama have a lot to sew for his a bit over sized sports wear. t-shirt and pants. both also have to sew. although is very late already. even papa went to bed already, mama decided to finish up sewing the buttons on the uniform as well since ian needs to wear them on friday so that she won't have to sew on thursday night...

Jun 16, 2009

2nd day in school...

papa took morning off to see ian in school. woke ian up around the same time but we left home a bit earlier today. papa have less things to do since he is not going to work. ian hasn't finish his bread when we left home. not mainly due to we left early. he is just not in the mood for his bread. eat very slow. just continue to feed till he reach his classroom.

papa drive us over. mama went in with ian while papa went to ta pau nasi lemak for breakfast. really see the difference. not as messy as yesterday. everyone are all in order. ready for class in their classroom. mama bring ian to his classroom and went out to put his left over bread (in a container) into his bag after informing the teacher about the bread. so happen that both the teacher also left the room and suddenly a familiar cried was heard. it was ian! went in and saw ian sitting on the floor rubbing his forehead while making some complain noise. gosh! another bungalow! no one saw how he fell down. papa reach and saw ian with his new bungalow. feeling so heartache. the teacher get us some ice and we apply for him. continue to feed him his bread while apply ice for him.

later we left. after we had our breakfast, papa went back to watch ian. mama stay at home to do her work. tried so hard to concentrate but guess she will need some time to really get use to it. funny... always wish to have a peaceful time to work but when there is, it turns out different story. sms papa in between to check on ian.

as usual and predicted. he is all by himself again. when everyone is sitting down, singing or listening to teacher while she teaches. he is walking around playing with the toys. just hope he will soon joins them. papa said that today they had barley and the teacher feed him. while the teacher did not pay attention to him he created a mess by pouring off the barley from the cup. hai.. actually is indeed sad to see him like this. of course we wish to only send him in when he can enjoy the singing and learning but too bad we have to send him in hoping that he will start talking. so he is now definitely not fit to attend school. hai.. let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

mama went over earlier so that we could get the registration done. tada! ian got his 1st uniform. although the colour is not so appropriate, red colour but no worries. he will just look as good in any colour *wink*. we let ian tried them. looks just fitting. but of course he is wearing 2 layer then. mama check on 1 of the boy's size and he is definitely bigger size than ian. he is wearing 's' size so we stick to 's' size for ian then. they gave ian a free bag as well but is a bit big for ian since he don't have any books to bring yet. so, we shall keep it for the moment.

then we bring ian home earlier once we have done. today they actually have swimming session. but notice only some kids attended. the teacher said that those that did not attend usually will have water play instead so, will definitely need some clothes for water play. we was thinking to look for some suitable, of course not too expensive swim wear for ian this weekend. kids grow very fast so no point getting something expensive, right?

saw some kids having their biscuits. should be they bring on their own but once they eat all the other kids also wanted a share. end up the teacher have to help to divide them as is not enough for all, like break them into half. then, papa share something interesting... hehe.. papa said that 1 of the kid left the biscuits container open on the table and ian took 1 piece to eat. haha.. ya. ian don't know how to open a container so, when it is opened... mama ask what was the kid's reaction? papa said that he was not in the room. but then when he saw ian eating, then? papa said ian put the whole piece into his mouth. haha.. mama just can't help laughing. trying to "curi-curi makan" but smart also for not leaving proof. haha.. but that 1 piece doesn't look small to mama. how can he put the whole piece into his mouth? *big "?"*

we had lunch at ah koong. ian ate a bit of papa's and mama's wan tan mee (flat and thin version). had 3 fish balls. he can't finish his porridge. he is too full. then we went home. mama let ian poo while papa get ready to go to work. papa help to soak ian's uniform. mama washed them while ian sleeping. hopefully they will dried in time for ian to wear tomorrow. mama gave ian a simple bath, change him and put him to sleep around 1. he must be tired as he sleep through till 3+ (almost 3.30). mama is the one that actually wake him up. but not those hard to wake up and crying type as mama bet he must have had a good rest.

ian's schooling had started and our worrying will start as well. papa with his non-stop worry that ian will be bullied by the older kids. can understand how he feel as mama feel the same as well. just hope for the best... ian, we will be waiting for the day to come. we believe in you...

(this is what papa got. bit disappointed, right? but better than never. at least for remembrance - ian, 2nd day in school...)

Jun 15, 2009

1st day in school...

today school reopen after the break. we have decided to send ian in for a trial. we picked r.e.a.l. kids since is the nearest although they are not as flexible compare to brain child. we were given 2 days trial.

we have planned to be there around 8.30 as it starts at 8.30. mama woke up as planned and get ready as planned. but there are something that we can't plan. ian's sleep. this little boy somehow just couldn't get to sleep last night. mama need to wake up early and she went to bed earlier. ian was falling asleep while mama put ice to his bungalow. ya. he got another bungalow on friday evening and we think that it was the worst so far. is big, blue black and even bleed. mama put 6 cubes of ice on that night itself. he fell down from the cushion. we had play mat around but he so happen to land on the floor without the play mat. we ended up bought another 2 sets (4 in each set) from babyland on sunday. is indeed much cheaper, only rm45.90 compare to toycity, rm59.90. we already bought 2 sets from toycity. 1 set long time ago and another set recently. the set from babyland comes with 4 colours. red, green, blue and yellow. the 2 sets we already have were blue and red in a set respectively.

oppss.. off topic... but because we wanted to use the new mattress we just bought on sunday, so mama carry the sleepy ian on her arms while papa place the new mattress. once mama put ian on the new mattress, he suddenly feel so awake. looking around as he sense the difference in the mattress. from then on, he just couldn't get back to sleep. while mama half asleep, heard papa repeatedly told ian to sleep. papa is getting angry if he still don't sleep.

not only that. he even woke up in the middle of his sleep. when mama woke up around 5+ he is awake and don't know what time he actually gets back to sleep. poor thing to have to wake him up so early and also papa. so, mama decided to make it a bit later. so, we only reach school when is almost 9. actually we already planned to only send ian to school around this time but for the 1st day, try to be a bit early. but too bad then. so, here the story goes...

the headmistress bring ian into his class (holding his hands). he was good even from the beginning. the moment he enters the class, he started to help himself with the toys. really enjoying himself. he don't even bother to check on us. but he is just playing on his own and there is no interaction. how sad. but this is just the 1st day. shall keep our fingers cross and hope for the best.

we stand there to watch him. papa even took some video. he is playing with the shape sorter. he is definitely pro with it. there is only circle, square, triangle and star. he easily finish them. then we saw something and it triggers our tears to fall. the one we have, he can easily open up the cover and pour those shapes out to play again. we think this one, the cover is a bit tight. he just can't get it open and he ended up walking around with it. it makes us feel so sad seeing him like this. he doesn't know how to get help from others. really heartache. later the teacher saw him and open it up for him. but then this little boy put a few in and there he goes to play something else. the very him that we are familiar with. we even heard the teacher saying, "ian, come finish them"... hehe..

soon, papa left for work. mama stay there trying to monitor and watch him but yet at the same time not suppose to let him see her. have to monitor him as though when we are not around. this is the 1st time leaving him alone with strangers. is really a challenging job. as ian will on and off peep through the window. he even stand on the chair that makes mama have to squat down. he sometimes will even run to the door as though wanted to go out. but he did well. at least no crying. because is the 1st day of school, so many kids were crying. also a lot of them were really late. even after 9 and probably almost 9.30.

but actually mama thinks that he knew she was there from how he peep from the window and walk towards the door. so far so good until eventually mama really bum into him. haiya.. all effort gone. teacher bring them to wash their hands. so mama quickly ran outside the building (cannot stay outside the classroom). mama peep from the outside window and already saw ian was in. so she went in. suddenly ian ran out from the classroom and there when mama bum into him. too bad..

later mama saw he try to take a bottle from a little girl and teacher was not there. may be he must be thirsty so mama went in to give him some water. how to teach him to get his bottle to drink water when he wants water. at home he sometimes does. but mama did see that the teacher from time to time did get the kids to drink water.

actually their food for the break was bread but happen is 1 of the little girl's birthday and so they have cakes. this is the 1st time a stranger feed him food. so far besides mama and papa, only seh ku help to feed him before. he did not reject and finish them. good boy. later the teacher feed him vitagen. is grapes flavour. mama saw the rest of the kids hold tight to theirs and keep drinking till it finish. but our ian, the teacher have to go after him to feed him and yet he only drink sip by sip. too bad he just don't like all these. hehe..

while everyone sits to have their cake, so happen there is no chair for ian. he walk around, playing while the teacher feed him. when he felt like standing on the chair. ya. he stand on the chair many times and sometimes the table as well. the teacher actually carry him down many times. since there is no chair for him to stand, he squeeze onto the chair 1 of the little that is sitting on and stand behind her. gosh... headache with this boy...

mama also spotted that he actually pull off 1 of the knob from the cabinet. actually is a toy stove. some of the kids stare at him while he play and eventually try to fit it back. later the teacher saw and put it back.

when the teacher bring the kids to the computer room, mama manage to catch the opportunity to talk to the assistant. she said she is the assistant and the other is the teacher. anyway, mama will just in general address both as teacher. told her about ian's case. things that they might need to pay attention and keep an eye on him. when mama mention about the knob that ian pull off, the teacher said that it is already loose. many of the kids pull if off many times. ohh.. so not ian's fault la.. feel better. hehe.. mama peep into the room and saw that while the rest of the kids sitting and listening, our ian get himself busy with the mouse and keyboard. things that he already familiar with. haha..

on the way back to the classroom. teacher allow them to play at the playground. at 1st the teacher hold ian's hand to let him climb up the stairs. later he is all on his own. but he did well. at 1st he is not use to the slide that turning down. he stop there for a moment while the teacher call him to come down. he walk to another slide. the straight one that he is familiar with. but later mama saw he did came down from the turning one. this clumsy boy, instead of walking to the stairs he walk the other way towards the bottom of the slide and knock on it. haiyo... the teacher saw and did check on him. later mama did check and is fine. no bungalow.

when the teacher bring them back this little boy you can see that he still wants to play. showing the usual excited, jumping sign while looking back at it. but he did not cry or make a fuss when the teacher bring him back to the classroom. when everyone line up, of course ian won't so the teacher has to hold him. haha.. but we believe ian will be able to get in line later, right?

almost time to go back but the bell haven't rings yet. soon teacher say can go home, mama bring ian home. anyway, another little girl's grandma also there to bring her home. we met the headmistress when we leaving. she made a good point in saying that we need to teach and train ian for eye contact. that's the initial point for communication and it will also help him to focus. ya. ian is lacking in eye contact for sure. we will try to guide him. he will do better in later days for sure...

overall for a 1st day in school, mama can say that she is proud of him. he did not cry. most of all he did not reject the teachers. not even when they feed him. they happen to be all indians. so, you know why mama is proud of him. *smile*

after a tired day in school, also because he did not have a good sleep last night, he really have a good, long nap. mama feed him, let him poo and gave him a simple bath. let him watch tv for a while, while mama had her lunch and put him to nap around 1. he nap through till after 3. cool!

(we are so in the rush that we do not really have the time to snap photo. so, this will be the sole photo of ian's 1st day to school taken by papa...)

Jun 5, 2009

where is the fork?

on sunday, on our way back to usj from melaka, papa ta pau some fish balls for ian. mama feed ian using his fork. ya. the pair of fork and spoon that mama use in office all the while have been officially given to ian. they are now ian's. of course ian can't finish them so mama left the fork in the pack.

later in the evening while on the way to ian's class, actually mama have been hungry but too much work to do before we go out. she did not manage to finish up everything even though she miss her nap and also did not stop to eat anything. bet because we really left melaka bit too late this round. so, she took the fish ball along because we don't intend to give it to ian because we bought it since this morning. but while mama eating ian actually wanted so mama gave him some.

don't know why mama just got a feeling and she went announce it "don't forget the fork is in the pack. don't accidentally threw the fork away."... announce to seh ku and papa in the car. mama hang the pack at the car door. some how mama and seh ku switch seat after ian's class. after dinner we still seat at the switched seat. so, when we reach home the pack is hanging at seh ku's side. papa told seh ku to throw it but seh ku bring it in and put on the dinning table. (mama only knew these after the incident. she did not notice the pack at all once she step home)

papa clean up the prawns that poh poh gave us. after papa was done, mama get to use the basin to finish up whatever washing up that she left to be done. she actually spotted something orangie red in the plastic bag that papa throw the prawn's shell. but it never come across her mind about the fish ball pack with the fork. (she recalled this again after the incident) everything done. time to go upstairs. even the rubbish was thrown. papa commented that the rubbish collector did not collect the rubbish on friday. those rubbish that we threw before we went back to melaka were still there. then, that's calls off our sunday...

on monday, mama spotted that the rubbish collector did came to collect the rubbish. they came in the morning. usually monday mama will feed ian either pear or apple. but since mama need to wash clothes, which usually mama will give ian grapes as he eat them faster. the moment she look for the fork to let ian feed himself, she got a shock! she recalled the fork in the fish ball pack. papa said he did not throw it could be seh ku. later when seh ku is back, she confirm that she only left it on the dinning table. so, papa is the "one"! but he couldn't recall at all.

before everything were confirm, mama even went to check the rubbish bin hoping that they might left some. they do sometimes. but no. is totally empty. also she was hoping that the pack was still in seh ku's car. she definitely felt sad. why? is just a fork. too bad that she is those sentimental type. she put heart to every single thing even for non-living things. yet she have been using this fork for almost 10 years. she started using it when she started working. she have them kept in the pack of stuff that she took back from office while she was on maternity and only recall of them when she wanted to let ian try to feed himself with fork. that's when the pair for fork and spoon officially goes to ian. and since how long? and now the fork is gone. she felt terrible when she feed ian porridge in the evening using the spoon. feeling sad that its partner, fork had gone.

papa felt bad and he knows well that mama felt sad. he tried to get a pair of fork and spoon from isetan, klcc after work, trying get a replacement. too bad that the spoon's shape doesn't seems to be appropriate to feed ian. the fork is a bit smaller but still not that bad. good point will be we can use a smaller container to fit the fork. but sad that they are not a pair. even the spoon that papa bought is not a pair with the fork. nevermind, mama shall try her luck to check with poh poh next trip we go back to melaka. it was from poh poh. she gave them to mama. hopefully she still have spare.

mama had this posted for remembrance. silly but too bad she is those sentimental type...