Jul 28, 2008

another hair cut...

sunday... ian needs another hair cut. learn from previous experience, these are some of the improvements that ease the process.

  • without clothes - only with diaper. is so hard to wash off the tiny little hair from ian's clothes the other time

  • newspaper - yee ma (mama's sister) suggested to lay a layer of newspaper to collect the cut hair. so that can just throw the newspaper with the hair. won't have to sweep so much. still have to sweep but less

    guess the process seems to went smoother. however, the process still seems a lot of work so, we decide to cut ian's hair shorter this time so that we won't have to cut that often. hehe.. bath ian right after the hair cut. due to my handphone spoilt, i did not take any shot of ian after the hair cut. hai...

    not forgetting, thanks to jay chou again. wonder how long jay chou can help me in this hair cutting process. shall blog it when the day comes.

    end result:
    notice on the next day that the cut seems a bit not balance. shall try to touch up if possible. might just get seh ku or papa to hold ian in the bathroom before i bath him. do a quick touch up then bath him.
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