Jul 28, 2008

walk walk...

each time when we let ian walk around the house, he always has the delightful face expression. just like a sign of freedom to him. he really enjoy it very much. too bad that we can't give too much of such freedom to him.

sometimes we just felt bad. we are just not ready or prepared. the house is not save for him to move around. we are just waiting to move to our new house hoping that we can do better arrangement so that ian can enjoy more of such freedom.

the knock knock rattle is really his precious, favourite toy when he walk around. he just won't let go of it. not even allow you to hold it for him. so afraid that we won't give it back to him. sometimes he likes to bite it and i will take it away from him. guess what he will do? he either is too bored without that rattle, he will mess up the rest of the place. simply bite anywhere. mess the rest of his toy, like throwing them to the floor. press the tv buttons, my server buttons. i eventually give up and give it back to him. hai..

sometimes i felt like keeping it forever so that he won't get to see it and won't want it. but then he just look cute walking around with that. hai..

something happen. on saturday night, ian fall asleep in the car on our way home. when we reach home, that's when i realize that ian's fu is missing. i carry him in and waken him up. i am there panic for loosing his fu and he is there making noise for being waken up. but then when i put him on the floor - a sign to walk, he quickly kept quiet and change his mode to walking mode (seh ku take over to watch him walk as i have no mood due to loosing his fu). the wonder and power of walk...

lately (seh ku claims that it started on saturday night), ian will initiate to walk upstairs by himself. like, while he walk around and he suddenly just walk up the stairs. however, sometimes he is just playing a fool or making fun of us. why i say so? is because, when you ask him whether he is sure to go upstairs. tell him that once go up means never come down. he sometimes will walk backwards, walk down the stairs. on sunday, that's what i experience. he even walk down the stairs with a foolish smile. so cute...

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